Home AR-15 Best AR Out Of The Box

Best AR Out Of The Box


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  1. LWRC is trash. Seen 2 jam at the range, separate owners. One using XTAC, other using Lake City Winchester. Not to mention all the proprietary bullshit they have going on with their rifles. I'm preaching to the choir here but good on you for switching.

  2. I went with the Ruger 556 ar 18 in barrel , great rifle out of the box, only $900, I've put 500 rounds through it so far, not a single problem and a really nice trigger,))..

  3. My SHTF rifle is a Ruger AR- 5.56 standard. It's not even a free floater. It's well built, sturdy, accurate right out of the box and is just as LETHAL as my CMMG'S. It's not always the car, it's mostly the driver. Practice with what you have. Become proficient with it, not everyone can afford to drive a Porsche.

  4. Hey brother. Dunno where you stand with everything, but anymore it is almost better to roll your own. If you have comprehension and tools. That is, when selecting specific components.

    Just something to consider. Competent people who machine the upper, bed the barrel and work over everything can really make a difference.

    But then, I must alibi my receiver sets of choice are not cheap. Last large frame set me back almost $1000. Upper, lower, handguard. Bought it about eight years ago.

    All in all, you sure are getting heavy on the competition parts!

    Why not use the hi speed NM trigger from that expensive company? Long travel, but two stage. Great for accuracy at range. Still plenty fast when doing follow ups.

    God bless.

  5. Instead of being jealous of someone's capability to purchase the best rifle possible, maybe people should get their crap together, so they can improve their life and their purchases. Love this channel and the content.

  6. Brother it’s not that people think a 5-600 dollar rifle will be just as good it’s that people think a 600 dollar rifle will be good enough. I’m a Army infantry veteran who will be training with a bunch of old geriatric friends of mine who are ex military and law enforcement and the most expensive weapon on the range will be worth less than 1000 dollars. We will not have any issues with these weapons because we inspect.clean and lube these weapons after every use. We are not competitive shooters but we will defend our community.

  7. $3-4,000.00 out of the box. Yup one of the best. You take a trigger out of a gun made by a TRIGGER company. Hmmmm.
    If Buba really did his homework he may have looked into APF, ER Shaw or many of the many gun manufacturers who make a truly custom rifle that is not the cost of a good used car!
    Just saying.

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