In the first part of this budget lower receiver build, I install parts from PSA, Magpul, ALG, Daniel Defense and Spikes Tactical into a Anderson Manufacturing lower receiver. Part two will cover the upper receiver assembly.
The take down pin installation is not covered in this video, as it was covered in another video here;
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Get so tired of num n*** out there talking about Anderson parts and builds. Anderson makes the parts for many of the main suppliers of AR parts and complete builds, the suppliers just put their name on them. A mill spec part is just that. Do you believe that some other supplier does something different to the metal if it is mil spec? We have built many AR builds using Anderson parts, and they all operate as any other part would that is mil spec. Recent AR15 build using Anderson chrome lined barrel shot a seven round group at 50 yards, all rounds touching each other in a area the size of a penny. We have Anderson parts that are years old and still working as expected with flawless durability. I begin to wonder which competitor is trying to soil the competition. Anderson is a good company and I feel confidently safe carrying a rifle with Anderson parts. In the Army I shot thousands of rounds and have confidence in my rifle today as I did then.
Thanks for the video man. I like that you are very careful and methodical.
I am selling the mechanical parts to convert an RF-31 to CNC for $320. pthomps2@gmail.com
where do you get your lowers kits and uppers on sale prices
On the "pivot pin spring and detent" installation, I didn't own a "tool" for it, so used a thin piece of sheet metal 4" long and 1/4 inch wide to place over the dent and hold it all the way down while I slipped the pivot pin over the sheet metal plate, and straight into it's holding ring, then slipped the sheet metal out. This proved to be a very effective field expedient.
However, when it came to installing my Fire Selector Switch, I ran into massive problems. My Anderson blank had too small of a hole for the dent, so when placed correctly, the detent didn't even touch the selector switch. I have no "resolved" the issue yet, as my lower has another problem as well. The Bolt Catch Switch is so sticky, I'm not sure it will even work. This "sticky" issue also followed the installation of the magazine catch and release button as well. For it, I used my drummel tool to grind all the way around the long extension portion of the release lever, and while it still sticks a bit, at least it's to the point that it will work, but I"m not happy with it. I'm amazed at just how many issues I have had with just ONE build. It's just ridiculous.
Just wanted to say thanks for showing how to do this , Apreciated the time you put into making the video!
I just subscribed to your channel, I was wondering if you had a sheet of a parts list and prices or just part as a sheet
What are you referring to concerning detent modification?
help!! I cant find that receiver on the anderson page!! where is it?? any links, anyone??
Is that the Pittsburgh Pro 1/2 in wrench? If so, what's you opinion of it?
I take it that I'm the only one who thinks Anderson lowers are a waste of money. I got a defective lower, and Anderson didn't have the balls to admit that they made a mistake. I'll never buy any of their products again.
Any way we can get a full parts list with websites please ? Looking to build my own but having a hard time finding good parts for good prices.
The pistol grip threads on my Anderson lower are only 3/4" deep. I've got to make a trip to the hardware store.
My Anderson lower was perfect in every way. Nice fit with the PSA upper. Accepted all parts with tight tolerances. The finish was the only cheap thing about it as it appeared to scratch easy. Would definately use Anderson again.
freeze the roll pins before installation, will make the install easier, remember metal shrinks when cold…. just a tip as a mechanic and as someone who worked on firearms in the service
The USGI castle nut tool acts as a 2" extension, so setting the torque wrench to 40 ft lbs and using a 2" extension yields an effective torque of 44.5 ft lbs. The USGI TM does not indicate nor illustrate using the castle nut tool at a 90 degree angle. Values for everything on a AR is in "ranges", just like the barrel nut which is listed at 30-80 ft lbs.
Was there a reason you didn't use Anderson guts? Im about to order everything for a AR 10 build. Witch is my 1st build. I've seen a lot about the Anderson lowers. I can't realy find anything on there parts kit besides one guy has his trigger fire twice on every pull. Also what's your opinion on Andersons uppers? Thank you so much for your videos.
Jason you are wrong. It can be ade to take up any creep in the trigger. I do it on all my personal builds. Google 15 min trigger job on AR15.
what buffer weight do you recommend for a carbine stock with a rifle length gas system?
Sign this petition to stop the ban of ss109 m855 green tip ammo. If this is passed, the price of 5.56 will double and an AWB will be proposed. Please sign to fight for second amendment.
Why not just tape up both sides for the lower, similar, yet MORE than you did here, and just leave it through-out the build to protect the finish???
Cant find that moly grease anywhere online
Will any upper work with this lower? 300 Blackout?
sir that set screw in pistol grip has nothing to do with your trigger or safety its to take out any movement between the upper and lower basically its a shim !
Just finished putting together my AR with Anderson Lower. Pretty pleased so far. Upper came from radical arms. Anderson lower has no problem with my bro's Sig M400 upper, my dad's Mossberg MMR. $70 local (i'm sure same price after FFL if you get it online). I'm using PSA LPK and PSA premium stock kit. This lower is great. I'm told they used to supply other guys their uppers/lowers. Only problem I seem to have is an older USGI al mag is sticky, functions but hard in/out. Could be cuz this mag came from a 11B friend who put this though abuse, mag might be expanded. No other mag problems. My bolt release is a bit sticky. I can lock just fine, but struggle to release bolt. I can't tell if it's the parts from PSA or what not. Otherwise great. Thanks for the video!
Nice finished product. Me gusta.
+2phast Will other branded uppers work with this lower?
would the MOE MAG416-BLK fit??
Good job thanks for imfo