Welcome to the Gun Club!! Follow along to build your custom AR15 you purchased from Ready Gunner.
Click on the time links below to correspond with the parts you have received in the mail.
0:00 – Lower Receiver Parts
19:26 – Stock/Buffer Assembly
25:32 – Upper Receiver
34:50 – Barrel Install
40:53 – Gas System
46:49 – Rail/Muzzle Brake
52:09 – Complete AR 15

Not sure if you saw it or not but the upper side of the vice block has a hole in it that lines up with the pivot pin holes on the barrel side of the upper. Looks like it would stabilize the upper while you work on it. Just something I noticed.
Thank you very much, going to do my first build and your video was A-Z, thanks again you made a very good video.
Awesome, thank you.
Whats all that pounding and hammering in the background during your AR15 build? Do you live next to Santas shop…Elves making toys! Hahaha! LoL!
very good….i just did my first lower 2 weeks ago…its was fun and really easy
Great video! Question – obviously building your own one can mix match between the different manufacturers. I'm guessing there must be industry standards?
TERRIFIC video. Great job, learned a lot!
Your lack of lube is concerning…. other than that, great video!! Thank you for posting this!!
Damn good video.
Roll pin punches and roll pin starter punches a must………..
Great video
Cool thanks
I'm fully "tooled up" but built my last one (except for barrel nut , last month) using a claw hammer, pliars and nail.
Thanks. Great, simple instructions for the newbie (me). I appreciate the time you put into this.
was someone fucking at 36:00 ?
what tool set is he using?
What is the approximate cost for that rifle?
Why not put a punch where the hing pin goes When putting the upper together
Why not put a punch where the hing pin goes?
Great video!! Will be doing one for the first time alone.
Quick tip…. Place all your roll pins in a bowl and put in the freezer for 24hours prior to build. They slip in a bit easier.
Great video and keep them coming!
learned a lot!! Thank you so much!
Just curious, used to working on cars and every threaded component gets some sort of treatment (anti seize, thread locker, or even just oil). Is there a reason you don't use any thread locker?
Thanks for the video! It's been a while
It would be cool if we had customizable parts during the monthly sub box process such as ambi controls or a left upper for the left handed shooters