Home AR-15 CT Legal AR-15? Is it a Pistol Is it a Rifle?

CT Legal AR-15? Is it a Pistol Is it a Rifle?


Just purchased a new firearm made by Delta Level Defense. It’s it’s chambered in .556 and classified as other. I’m very impressed with it’s weight, build quality and accuracy. Full review and range time!

Please don’t forget to follow me on insta, Twitter & Snap— @BlvdTV

Camera: iPhone 7
Edited with: iMovie
Music: Joakim Karud “Fresh Start” & “Say Goodnight”

When you get a chance check out,

Greyson Guns (Orange CT) 203-553-9077
Delta Level Defense (Stratford CT) 203-919-1514

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  1. I just found out that the ATF says that the Connecticut OTHER is not legal in Connecticut and the ATF has taken firearms listed as OTHER from the people that bought time from the Freedom Shoppe in New Milford

    We need a letter from Connecticut State Police and the ATF on this Matter. The way around this is to get your FFL 07 and build your own They cannot stop an FFL 07 from Mfg. once you get your FFL 07.
    I would not sell to anyone in the state of Ct until this all worked out. Another way may be to build your own NFA item and pay the 200$ tax stamp. Any thoughts on the Matter. NOW that the ATF is involved I am staying away from any of this Crap. Who know anyone at the state police that can get us a straight answer.

  2. Looks dope af, except for that ejector door. laughed when you pointed that out too. Got myself an 'other.' Went to Freedom Shoppe in New Milford. Year long wait for a tax stamp. There's another place in Stamford called 'Stamford Tactical' where you can get these made as well. Don't know what the wait time is if people want to go the stamp route, but it's gotta be shorter than in 2016 because we all thought a certain someone was going to be president.

  3. What is an OTHER Defined my Federal and State LAW Also no one person has the right
    to be the only one to build OTHER by federal law. Go spend your money I just think you guys just do not do your homework or are just lazy.

  4. Seems like any one can buy a lower and add all the part for a lot less money. And lowers are legal to purchase in Connecticut. As long as you config the firearm as "other"
    Why are you guys spending so much money beats me.

    Remember lowers are "other" under conneticut laws. Easy way to go.

  5. Delta Level Defense will gladly put our weapons against any of the 25 ARs Jason B can bring to the table. Our track record is with the US Military/SOCOM and they hand pick our weapons. 3rd Group, 7th Group, 10th Group, and 1STSFOD. Not to mention CT FBI, CT DEA, and numerous CT municipalities.

  6. Komanski case knocked pre-bans out – its arguable if the court knocked out just 1 featured pre-bans and not 2-featured prebans or all prebans. Decision is queer..guy got caught with 1 feature preban, found guilty. Court appears to say that if it was a 2-feature preban it would have been OK. Its a fucked up decision made by an idiot.

  7. All you have to do is put both in your hand. You not only very easily see a difference but you feel it. Go ahead and shoot them both side by side. Again, NO COMPARISON! I don’t own a Troy product, I never will. But I attempted to work on a customers Troy other last week and it’s designed not to come apart. The parts aren’t milspec. When I showed this to a customer he promptly took it back to where it was purchased, put it on consignment (for a 20% loss on top of the firearm being used) and purchased a delta level Defense other the very same day.
    But good luck with your Troy. As you attempt to shoot it more and more you will realize what a grade A piece of filth you purchased.

  8. Jayson B. Not quite. The quality of every single part of a Troy other is sub par. Everything is lesser quality. Good luck trying to make upgrades with your Troy. Most parts are non compatible due to the fact they are not milspec.

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