This is PART II of my original video. Found here: I wanted to make an addendum to some of the many issues that arise as a result of the previous video. Thanks for watching. Again, please do your own reading and check out M4carbine.net for an incredible resource of information.
Many companies selling M4 and AR variants today try to sell a carbine or rifle that may be suitable for plinking cans, shooting gophers etc. but will not hold up to the standards required for hard use and long life with a high round count. Few companies meet the criteria lined out in the TDP of which Colt and FN abide. Bravo Company is one of the very few companies producing carbines and rifles that meet this standard. Others are Daniel Defense, LMT, Noveske.
Companies that have been proven to not meet this standard of critical criteria are DPMS, Rock River, Bushmaster and Olympic Arms. Now before you freak out, they do work for what most people use them for. The fact is, they do not have many if not any of the criteria outlined here.
Using the analytics feature, it has become quite apparent that this video has found itself emailed among many individuals at both DPMS, STAG and other brands I forego recommending here. It is also apparent that many internet trolls from either these companies or friends of, have taken it upon themselves to write vitriolic, emotional and zealous comments that border on insane ramblings, defending these brands and accusing me of being ignorant of the M4 platform. These comments will no longer be posted, so do not even waste your time. I suggest you spend the time improving your product line.
What I had to address with some individuals: Bushmaster has refused to release any information or certifications regarding materials, specs, etc. Bushmaster does not hold the TDP or design schematics for the M4, but reverse engineers after measuring Colt parts. Every Bushmaster I have handled, owned, seen, or sold, has lacked a STAKED castle nut. Bushmaster does NOT have an “F” marked FSB, or an H buffer. Your barrel is 1/9 NOT 1/7. All MPI and HP of Bushmaster is BATCH tested. etc. Barrels that have been tested by individuals, has shown they are NOT 11595E. They do NOT parkerize under the FSB. Buffer tubes on Bushmaster are COMMERCIAL aka weaker, thinner, cheaper. Sell your Bushmaster for $900 and go buy a Colt. They are shit and the list goes on. Same goes for Rock River, Olympic, and many others. Do the research. Educate yourself.
Some of the TDP: Auto BCG, 8620 BC, Shrouded Firing Pin, Parkerized Exterior, Chrome lined, USGI specs, Mil-spec gas key hardened/heat treated and chrome lined, secure gas key with “grade 8” fasteners properly staked, Carpenter #158 Bolt, tool steel extractor with black insert, Shot peened, MPI(100%), HPT (100%), 4-coil or 5 coil spring, 11595E Certified Barrel Steel, 5.56 Chamber NOT .223, 1/7 twist Barrel, M4 Feed Ramps, “F” Stamped FSB, Taper Pins, 7000 series lower receiver, Mil-spec diameter buffer tube, properly staked castle nut, Properly marked and weighted buffer, “H” “H2” etc. Also included is properly gassed systems with proper gas port size tube diameter and length. There are other facets not mentioned here however these are the biggies.
Here are the FACTS:
Awesome Colt M4 High Stress Test Video (watch both):
Article on Colt:
Colt Weapon Systems The true M4.
More discussion on TDP
Discussion on RRA
Must read articles by Mike Pannone:
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I have a few dumb questions as a guy interested in building my own, but 2ho hasnt done so yet. What do i need to know to build my own safely, what kind of tools will i need, and can you recommend a goid video that shows how to do so safely. Thank you so much for your time and making these videos.
Ohh Shit!!!! The shroudddd procktecting the firing Pin. Reciprocating m ass, Youer too much!!! I had'nt!!!! laugh this hard for a loong time!!! I used me some Colts too… in OAF. Thank you man!!! This is for real.. Thanks, Much Respect.
This video is so old. A top notch AR is easily 3x the price of a PSA or an Anderson. What am I supposed to think? I don't nor will I ever have $1,200 to spend but, I do have 5 or $600. What am I to do? Just bum out because the best is out of reach? Or take a chance on one that was hand built by a family Gunsmith and they just wanted a good tight rifle at the time? What do you all think? Could someone help me out?
My personal gospel selection when it come to ARs is ..
LMT , LWRCI, FN , COLT , BCM , and DD .
I'm not really a fan of KAC due to proprietary parts and LMT Builds all their parts except for rails and Barrels. I do love that KAC uses DIEMACO Barrel Blanks
Chris BARTOCCI at SMALL ARMS SOLUTIONS has a 100% True history lesson on the M4 and M4A1 . Part 1 and part 2 . They are rather long but it's the real deal story on history. YouTube deleted his channel but it's on full 30 . It's well worth the 2 hours of watching and listening. A lot of false info out there and it's awesome to know that info
Thanks for the good advice. Just bought my first AR. Is a Colt 6920 M&P-S. Cleaned it, took it to the gun range yesterday. I really like it. Thanks again.
I have a SIG516 Patrol…love it…
I have a PSA and love it, zero malfunctions… I have a friend who has a Colt who is not happy with it or the price he paid, after I showed/told him about my PSA…
Next store-bought rifle I want to try is a Sionics.
If you want to know how to maintain an M4, GO BUILD ONE (out of quality components.) If you can build one, you most likely can maintain it. I still buy store-bought rifles, but I have built two from scratch, and I feel like I know the rifle pretty well. I own two Colts and two BCMs. They work. As do the M4 I built, and the A4 I built. Worst-case scenario is that you will have more rifles! What is the down-side to that?!
I would have to agree. Just save a little extra and get the Colt LE6920. I am upgrading my ruger with better barrel, and better bcg. It costs me just as much as buying a Colt
Heck my ABC Brand AR15 that I bought for $100 from Bubba's guns is just as good. The proof of this is that I shot a whole 20 round mag with only one malfunction. Yuk, yuk
My AR M4 platform 16” 1-9 twist, fixed front sight, BCM H carbine buffer when shooting rounds the shells always hit the deflector and land around my 2:00 position regardless of brand, grain, brass, or steel cartridges. Need heaver buffer? Better quality BCG? Any suggestions? Mine is the AP4 carbine.
no. psa is a glock. a cheaper made fire arm sold way to high. colt is colt. psa is batch tested. colt is milspec. I work at a local gun range in Nevada and I seen lots of guns through serious torcher test and I have no faith in cheap brands. my company can afford to replace the parts and we send them back to the manufacture and have it replaced. yes any one can sell a Lemon. but some have been out for years and kinks are worked out if any. so know your history first.
Least you forget LMT, I had been issued and also purchased an LMT M4 w/ both the standard BCG and enhanced. They ran flawlessly and digested anything and everything with very basic maintenance. The accuracy of my LMTs have been incredible. Far, far better accuracy than I could ever shoot. Absolute mil-spec. I had the very 1st gen Crane/LMT stock on those rifles (which really dates myself as well a these rifles.
Absolutely incredible.
Ur definitely right about ur other recommendations. Colt and FN M4s I've owned have never let me down either.
Id bet my life on LMT, COLT and FN M4s any day Sir.
Always learning as well as enjoy your vids Sir. Thank you.
Do you not include LWRC. My understanding is that they are as good as LMT.
There are a lot of Del-tons and Smith & Wesson rifles doing patrol duty for small police agencies.
Ok im not defending cheaper guns. But stag arms is the civilian name of cmt who make barrels for the military. Milspec hard use. Stag uses the same barrels. And colt has seriously gone down hill..
Regardless of what your roll mark says most of the parts within your AR comes from one of four manufacturers.
try living in Connecticut, hard to find a lower under 1200 bucks
What's your thoughts on MP 15?????
Yes I know I'm about 4 years too late but, I'm 56 years old, served a little over 10 years in the military, lived in a different country, been to 5 different countries. Lived in 7 different states and have been to all 50 states. My point in saying this in all the years I've lived and all the places I've been, not once have I had to use a gun to protect myself or a loved one. While the chance is there that one day I will, I don't see the need to spend $1000's on a gun that's going to be sitting more than being shot. I also believe that a gun should be cleaned after you are done shooting for the day even if you plan on shooting the next day. If you take care of your gun and don't abuse it, it'll work when you need it. I've already bought a complete upper from Hardened Arms and from all the reviews I've read, the video's I've watched and not one bad review. I'll be getting the lower from psa, once again, all good reviews. I'll have a little over $800 when built. Will it be the most accurate on the planet? No it won't, but I won't need it to be. Do I think it'll be reliable when and if my life will depend on it,yes absolutely. Do I need to spend 2-3 times as much to get the same reliability? No, absolutely not. Take care of your gun and chances are, it'll work when you need it.
my first AR :
Anderson lower 75 dls
unbranded upper with charging handle ………………90
Anderson lower internals 45
Buffer tube kit with buttstock 54
sights ………………..10
18" barrel …………….95
15 " handguard …….45
Bolt ……..90
gas system …….35
less than 600 dls = lot of fun
bcm or the premium m4 upper from psa with fn chf barrel
I watched Part 1 and II. Excellent explanation . Very informative. Thank you. Subbed
Well for onr I wouldn't to listen to a fucking retard like this guy that tried to tell your opinion because you don't know what the fuck he's talking about yeah a high price for lower it's basically the same thing as everyone else but somebody stamp their name o it so if you want to pay more for a fucking name go by your faggot Nike shoes you realize you're fucking stupid
S&W sport ALL DAY!!!
Just came across this video, good advice. Why not go for the few companies that make the forgings and parts for these name brand, LE, and military guns
spikes tactical is also a great brand to look @ for ar15 style rifles!
isnt the m4 brest and semi
Denny what is your opinion of Fabrique Nationale? They took over the military contract from Colt.
COLT LE6920CMP here and it Rocks!!!!
I know this is 3 years late, but how do FN and Bushmaster not make your list of quality starters?
Is staging and torquing the castle nut the same procedure? when you say you've seen loose castle nuts, shouldn't it be torqued to 30 to 70ft lb ?
Hey Den, is it OK to run a 22 LR conversion kit with my M4 Colt LE 6920? just looking to save money plinking with 22 LR. thanks bro..and great presentations.
I would recommend you learn how to maintain, build and repair your own rifle. Looking at the political landscape, I would not recommend relying on any one manufacturer on the long term reliability of your primary fighting weapon. I can build, repair, and maintain my own rifle, by no means am I a gunsmith, but I keep extra spare parts so that I won't get caught off guard. All those brands you mentioned are great manufacturers, but today I would recommend learning to be self sufficient in this regard. Using high quality components today anyone can build a really high quality rifle at a fraction of the cost.
What about Stag Arms low receiver?
What are your thoughts on FNH's offerings now that they have the contract to build the military M4s? In a similar vein: DS Arms ZM4 series? (DS being the maker of FALs here).
I'm still leaning toward the LE6920 for when I finally get a 5.56 AR, but wanted to get your latest thoughts on this since the video is 3 years old now and your last comment on it was 9 months. Thanks much.
I'd like to thank you for this video, & all of your commenters…. I'm from California, so I can buy a Derringer, but it's fun to watch the free states enjoy the constitution….. Long live the republic!!!!!
Thank you for your first video pointing out what to look for in the bolt carrier group, chamber ect as far as chrome lining and polish. I could not find good pictures or videos of what to compare my rifle to. I wanted to make sure the advertised chrome lining matched what I paid for.
This video was accurate at the time it was produced. It is currently not valid. There other manufacturers that make a quality AR15 available now. A forged upper and lower constitute a quality weapon with correct strength bolt and components. Just as new ammo for say a 9mm is changing often the AR15 market is too.
I suggest an update since this is 8 2016 with another review.
BCM and Spikes put out pretty identical parts.
American spirit Arms, LaRue are just as good as your list. colt get parts expedited from stag. colt wouldn't be on my list. Olympic Arms would be. they still have military contracts. sorry just trying to keep it short.
I liked your videos. . . However, I do disagree with the price differences. I looked at an Armalite, almost bought it, but decided on the new (NOT really new) Colt Expanse CE2000. It's the same thing as the CE1000, except it adds a dust cover and a forward assist. I like the gun. And it has a lot of good qualities. It differs from the 6920 in a number of ways, but still has Colt build quality. . . And the price difference is about $300. It LISTS for $749, yet actual retail prices are more like $675 – $700. The CHEAPEST 6920 I was able to find was $980, plus FTL, and shipping. So, $1000 or more. . . This doesn't sound like a lot to YOU, but when you have a mortgage, children (And their associated expenses) car note(s) and the other expenses of life and living, that extra $300 can be a lot. I would have PREFERRED the 6920. but as I have those expense noted previously, going that extra $300 would have resulted in a huge fight with my wife, so the CE2000 became an even better deal! I have heard that Colt has decontented the CE2000, compared to the original offering. The first ones were both magnetic and pressure tested, now they've reportedly gone to batch testing, as a cost cutting effort. The barrels don't have the "C" stamp, so I assume they're outsourcing them, nor are they chrome lined. Other parts as well. The first ones had a 6920 lower, the newer ones do not. The first ones had chrome lined chambers, though I'm not sure about the new ones . . . Sadly, it's difficult getting some of this information. If you go to the Colt site, it's not listed. In fact, the specification section is not very informative. Talking to the people at most gun stores, I've found that they DON'T KNOW. They order the guns, and put them on the wall racks, and sell them. . . Very disappointing.
Two great companies, one of which is a little less known than the other, that were not mentioned that I think should've been are Windham Weaponry(a.k.a. the original Bushmaster, before Freedom Group bought out Bushmaster and moved their manufacturing facility to a different state) and Aero Percision(the lesser known of the two companies), because they are considerably cheaper… yet, still have ALL of the qualities of a Colt or BCM AR-15. When it comes to furniture and accessories BCM and companies like it are going to have better products on their rifles, but when it comes to the parts that truly count on the inside of the rifle, such as: the BCG, barrel, etc. the two companies I listed above meet or exceed ALL of the exact same specifications that BCM does. Companies, such as: BCM, Noveske, and Knights Armament all charge a few hundred extra dollars, if not far more, simply for their name and nothing else… when compared to their equivalents that are far less money.
What is your opinion on palmetto state armory? What is your opinion on anderson? Just bought some lowers from both companies.. I have built a couple palmetto state AR15's as well… Enlighten me Id like to hear what you think, Im in no way a pro at building AR15's, lemme know what u think.. Army infantryman here…