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I don’t normally make these kinds of videos and I plan on this being my last. It’s just something that I’ve wondered ever since the media started going after the AR15. Banning them and labeling law abiding citizens as “mentally ill” is not the answer. People think, take them off the shelves, and they’ll be no more killings. Just like outlawing heroine. Oh wait… Let’s be real here and not point fingers at the wrong people. Rather than just ranting and crying, I actually highlight some solutions in this video I think could prevent future tragedies. Your Patron contributions help out now more than ever. Click here to support:
Thanks for watching.

I don't normally make these kinds of videos and I plan on this being my last. It's just something that I've wondered ever since the media started going after the AR15. Banning them and labeling law abiding citizens as "mentally ill" is not the answer. People think, take them off the shelves, and they'll be no more killings. Just like outlawing heroine. Oh wait… Let's be real here and not point fingers at the wrong people. Rather than just ranting and crying, I actually highlight some solutions in this video I think could prevent future tragedies. Thanks for watching.
You don't need to justify the reason for having an ar15. An ar15 is for both defense and ABSOLUTELY hunting purposes. Not to mention ALL small arms are AMERICAN RIGHTS to own. In fact, I believe the constitution is VERY clear….."SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED ". Meaning there's already been way too much banning going on in America. We should absolutely have full auto rifles legal again. We should have ALL military grade weapons. Why do I believe this? Because I'm a fucking American and it's my CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT!!
If they ban all guns all that is going to happen is they will come after you with sticks, rocks, knives, machetes, fists, the chokehold slingshots,bows and arrows, nunchucks then you are not going to have a gun to protect yourself good luck
People use their brains. You can kill people with almost anything. Hell you can kill a person by almost anything now. Like a spoon, knife, forks, plants, cars, rope, cell phones, and many more. I dont need to say more.
Banning is not in the serious discussion – the real goal is increasing sales restrictions, banning private sales without a dealer license, and/or increasing background checks and mental health red flags . Let's just say "modern battles rifles" should have more restrictions…its not "the media". Its not some conspiracy…its not the "liberals" its the public being really f&$#ing freaked out by random gun massacres of innocent people.
I get the interest in AR's….but ya'll are kidding yourselves when you say its all been some misunderstanding when you know dang well you are buying the AR AND OTHER SIMILAR RIFLES, because of their firepower and lethality. Its a high velocity, flat shooting, long-range capable rifle, who's gas system, barrel, bolt, ejector, and standard mags are all designed for a sustained rate of fire in combat conditions – a battle rifle. (semi-auto remmington deer rifle gas ssystem will fail or the barrel will likely fail after 60 rounds fired continuously) The fact that civilian version battle rifles dont have select fire is a minor point. Im not saying ban it – but talk honestly about it. Its a modern battle rifle. ANYONE that calls the AR variants, AK variants, FN FAL, FN SCAR, or similar – anything other than a battle rifle is living in a severe state of delusion.
As for suicides – the data is pretty clear that gun possession increases the likelihood of suicide dramatically, so suicide in American is very connected to the gun issue.
As for crimes – yes private sales and straw man sales increase gun possession to criminals. Chicago gun laws dont work because chicago is not an island nation state.
NO "they" are not trying to ban all of them. Everyone knows there are already enough guns in the population where bans are not going to work. But nations where gun possession is very low, have very low homicides by guns. It works. So you either work on the problem or you keep saying uninformed nonsense about more armed guards – its one step closer to the extreme side actually trying to ban guns.
Ban the AR, then the next gun, then the next. Little by little-eroding our rights.
When you pry my gun from my cold dead hands, please don't grab it by the barrel as it's will be very hot. Also don't trip on the pile of dead bodies surrounding my body, it would be very disrespectful to them, after all they were on your side, and you did send them when you were to much of a coward to do it your self.
I think I'd be one considered on the other side but understand and respect your view. My opinion is that as long as firearms are freely in circulation their will be gun related crimes and atrocities so it's more about taking provocative steps to reduce the frequency of such horrendous events. The Ar 15 is just being modeled as the flag ship of the argument and i do not believe it would be a successful endeavor to remove legally attained firearms although higher capacity mags and rate of fire are the priority concern of these weapons activist being that it's more effective for lunatics to claim greater loss of life. That said, something must be done because the current situation is unacceptable, the screening process for these weapons should be more extensive similar to taking a driving test or maybe even a psychological evaluation clearing your access to these weapons with annual or semi annual renewals .I'm not a gun owner but do plan on in the future dabbling lol. It's the internet age,if you can go on Facebook and see 19 year olds with Nazi flags or hate associations over their page and "saying fuck (school name here ) and watch they will all pay ",those humans shouldn't be allowed access..great video tho
You can still regulate them so that somebody who's got a history or mental illness or crime can't buy one. To answer your question "then what?" Well it inevitably creates a black market so in order to get one, you have to know a guy who knows a guy, heavily reducing the ease of accessibility. In Australia that gun costs $32,000 on the black market, so your typical depressed 25 year old fuck up on welfare isn't gonna be able to get one so easily.
People need to stop blaming guns for killing people and yes guns were designed to kill that is the total point that is why they were made
Ban all cars. Then no one will get run over… liberal logic.
fags with small dicks love guns
This is the conversation we should be having. Instead of both sides screaming buzz words at each other. Intelligent conversation ftw!
Love it
how will banning do anything. criminals don't follow the law. Ar15s account for 1 percent of gun crimes and even then 5 percent of death attribute to guns. The highest chance of death is abortion, which is sickening.
Ditch your weapons so your police and government can rule with an iron fist!
Thats the result in America for Multikulti.All people wants to protect herself against the other people.High crime risk,because every criminal guy can get easy an assault weapon.
Never would visit this country until all civilians dont have any guns.LOL AR-15,any other weapons can kill better if there is a high skilled man behind the gun.
you only need one skilled criminal guy.and he becomes to kill armed police officers like flies with a gun.
All this shootings at school show me how your parents,not be able to handle a weapon.
your problem will only be solved if you ban all your weapons.
and when did the crime stop in America,during you have all these weapons ?
Might as well ban every semi automatic Gun…it's the same thing
I live in Switzerland and I own an AK and a Glock. Means I can call myself a gunowner.
But I still think stronger backgroundchecks wouldn't hurt. I had to wait 2 months to get a licence to buy a gun.
So barely beeing able to wait an hour to buy a device to kill somebody sounds rediculous. Amunition gets controlled as well. If you ever went to jail for a violent crime, you can't buy either in switzerland anymore.
Those two things will keep the guns out of the hands of the wrong people or at least will make it more difficult for them to get one.
In switzerland, if you have no criminal record, no suicidal dendencies and no extremistic behavior, the goverment must give you the permission to buy a gun.
But enought of that.
Switzerland doesn't have many incidents involving guns and the main reason for that is, that it is almost impossible to get a carry permit. Is this a bad thing? No.
If someone thinks he needs to carry a gun all the time for selfdefence, moving or getting medical help may be a better solution.
In switzerland I can even buy and shot full automatic military grade weapons (with a special permit and an extended backgroundcheck, but without any criminal records it's possible and a lot cheaper than in the US)
Guns in schools…
Why? The confusion in a shooting is big. Teachers running around with guns wont make it better. How will the police forces know, who is a teacher and who the culprit?
Will the teachers wear a yellow west, saying teacher?
What if the culprit gets one of those? What if a teacher just shoots the next guy entering his room?
What if the teachers shoot another teacher? Adding more guns to this situation will not help. The best way to prevent school shootings is with less guns. In switzerland there has never been such a thing as a school shooting ever!
Training the teachers to detect potential shooters before something even happens is more important. Beeing bullied, beeing left out or just beeing a psycho may be something a teacher can regocnise and inform the right people so the stundent can get medical care or another kind of help. For guns in schools, less is more!
I hope I was able to get my point across, even through english is not my first language.
See, logic and reasoning make sense, right? Stupid California dems. Screwing it up for the rest of us. Thanks for the video.
Any one who dislikes this has not experienced having a family member die because they there was not anyone to protect them
Why would you need a car that can go over 80mph, no speed limit is higher???
Thank you for your video. The reason they want to ban the AR15 is because the anti gun folk see it as a winning hand.
I have been around almost twice as long as you and I can tell you that all the hoopla directed at the AR15 is the same that was levied against hand guns. Some of the same gun snatchers were around even then. Do a search on anti gun quotes. 98% against hand guns. They were losing that battle. Later came the AK 47 it was the next boggy man. Used a lot by gangs in Calf. As it was gang violence (and black and Hispanic)it never got the desired long term traction that was desired (Although it did help to incenses restrictions on 2A rights) Then came school shooting and white children being killed(sorry I keep real) Now that was intolerable.
Coming to the forefront, the scary AR 15 Complete with flashlight, bi-pod, laser, red dot, satellite dish etc. OMG who needs this weapon of mass destruction, came the cry across the land
The recent shooting of journalist was done with a shot gun. They may not have wished for it to happen but if it did, I am sure they would have preferred a AR15 Be the culprit. Bummer… At the crime scene, they kept focusing on a cop holding a AR15 even though it was a shot gun used . A little subliminal messaging. " Never let a good tragedy go to waste" The AR is the poster child for gun control. Look at all of the recent laws passed. None that I see even deals with AR's it just the focus so they can disarm the populace. While we were arguing for keeping our 30 and 50 rd mags many states were down to 10 and in NY they can only have 5. While we focus on the federal, the states that can get away with it are striping away right everyday.
No one cares what you think or want lol. Most people in the comment section is gun lover and brainwashed people. your viewers is only about 400K because your video is so fucking useless

You sound so retarded
. Stick to shooting, politics is not your forte 
You are too dumb to teach people about politics and social awareness
Allow law abiding teachers carry guns to school. Then schools will be safe.
Assault rifle is not a thing. They call it that meaning a rifle for assault
Guns don't kill people. People kill people. A gun laying on a table or in a gun cabinet is harmless. Liberals wake up.
I used to be conservative, now I'm Libertarian. Fuck liberals though. I'm pro-gun and believe in no more laws.
The extremists who control the democrat party are not interested in stopping mass shootings. These shootings give them a political tool they use shamelessly, that's why they reject any solutions that are brought forward.
I want break David hoggs face
So you guys are afraid of a ar but a .50 Cal is ok you guys can be real idiots
Texas Plinking , grow a set of balls young man and get rid of these stupid fucking things.
Lol You're so dumb. Teachers don’t need guns in schools. They need a reinstatement of the weapons ban. Why should we have a country reminiscent of a third world militia? You know what would stop this talk: if teachers who are asked to carry guns would demand two salaries, one for teaching and the other for being a security guard. A teacher shouldn’t have to go to school packing. The government should make sure school are safe. Fighting fire with fire..
instead of more guns, make sure there are less. So, if you don't know what you're talking about. You don't have to make this kind of video dumm
They don’t realize that banning the ar-15 will just cause a massive problem due to the fact that there already millions of people owning the gun what are they going to do , arrest people from being previous owners , take the gun from them ?
A lot of people target shoot an ar-15
Companies discontinue a product if few people use them.
Why not discontinue a product if few non-murderers use them?
Ban it just because some psychos get ahold of it. Doesn’t seem like a good reason. Just raise the age to buy guns to 21.
In Britan they ban knives now. It never ends.