Home AR-15 Tips on building a reliable 7.62×39 AR-15

Tips on building a reliable 7.62×39 AR-15

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  1. Excellent review.

    Yes the C Products Defence magazines are the way to go.

    Many have found that's it's best to Avoid ASC AR 15 magazines in the 762×39 caliber.

    A Wolf AR15 TRIGGER Spring is a smart move to install in an AR15 lower when shooting Harder Primed Russian/ Surplus ammo.

  2. Do not take this guys advice. He has no clue what he is talking about. He isn’t even a gunsmith! He also sells unreliable crap on his website by suckering ignorant gun owners into thinking they are great products. This guy is a fake!!!

  3. You're posting a video handing out tips on how to build a reliable rifle….. Then advocate (more like try to sell me) a bolt that lasts less than 5 thousand rounds.

    Do you understand how ridiculous you sound?

    How bout instead of providing decenting opinions on my channel, you do some more research, invest FAR more money on training so it doesn't look like a 7.62×39 rifle isn't absolutely kicking your ass, and take the thousands of hours required to understand exactly how ridiculous your standard for reliability is.

  4. I had problems with asc mags so I went c-products and now they all work fine. Guess they needed break in time. What would be your opinion on a broken extractor that ran wolf Poly fine for about 400rds but broke on the 2nd rd of tulammo. The bolt is from Aim surplus. It basically broke the claw off evenly. You did bring some things to light with your video. Great job and keep it up. Btw your Ar looks awesome with the can on it.

  5. I run the same barrel with a red x BCG.Palmetto LPK with there EPT trigger and a WOLFF XP buffer spring.I modified my feed ramps to be more like one big ramp and she runs Tulammo 154g SP'S and every other ammo even rusty old Wolff I had layin around

  6. Maybe this is a dumb question but I don't know anything about 7.62 builds, but can you run any lower and upper combination you want with this build aside from the parts mentioned? For example a lower and upper for a 5.56 build ?

    thanks for you time.

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