Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The Bushmaster XM-15 Carbine. The top selling AR-15 Rifle in the U.S. since 2003. There are a lot of great companies producing the AR-15 Rifle but the Bushmaster is Tried and true.
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Bushmaster makes a great product, but many of their rifles/carbines have 1:9 twist barrels – a detriment if the user wants to shoot heavier projectiles at longer range. Sootch, any suggestions on a good after-market barrel maker for these rifles? Bushmaster doesn't sell after-market custom barrels.
maine must have been a pain.mine was made in Alabama.
Where can I find if it's so prevalent I can't find one person who has the 20th inch barrel heavy barrel 82 bushmaster full length I can't find where to get 1I had 1 before and I sold it which is shouldn't of but I did the a to version heavy barrel 20th in charge can't find it anywhere I've called probly 3040 gun shops around the country can't do it colts everywhere so bushmaster so great and I know they are why can't I find 1 in do you have leads on it let me know thank you
young fella!
you don't live to far from me Sootch I just live a few miles north of Atlanta,Ga.
This is the gun to have for mass shootings! This is the exact same model that was used in the D.C. Beltway Sniper attacks and Sandy Hook
Love mine. Bushmaster xm15 A1 upper. great rifle.
I love your videos man, but what's up with the bad video quality?
sootch00, why do you like the 1:9 twist?
I owned a bushmaster xm15 e2s. The quality and workmanship was awesome. I didn't like the rifle because it was a post-ban, which had a muzzle brake and non-adjustable buttstock, so I sold it. I am in the market again and am looking at bushmaster. Their website has been under construction for a long time. Are they still selling AR's and do they make the barrels and if not, who makes them?
I got the m4a2 version with a heavy barrel. Whats your thoughts on that one?
bought my current bushmaster m4 in 2007 before that I had a preban bushmaster (no flashhider or bayonet lug) shot around 10,000 rounds between both guns never any failures,very accurate also,pricing is cheaper now around $600 I paid about $1,100 in 2007 can't remember what I paid for the preban in the late 90's ,about the same I think, no longer own it
is it mil-spec?
I really enjoyed the video. Thanks for all the info.
My Bushmaster XM15-E2S came from Ilion, NY… They must have opened a new factory since this video was posted… Very informative video, good job..
5 stars Great Video !
But In Vietnam they issued them and a lot of troops where told you would not need to clean them they actually started giving out comic books with a girl on it showing you how to clean it.
I got my bushmaster orc for $550 out the door!
I bought one 6 months ago against what the salesperson told me, its fired almost 4000 rounds without a single malfunction, not one. I got the moe m4 version and i really like it.
this gun is cute but with 16 inch barrel its weak. this ar 15 is not designed for this barrel. stop showing it.
So is Bushmaster still a viable company even with it being bought by Remington? What about DPMS? I've not gotten a CLEAR answer on this anywhere.
I've got two Bushmasters. One A-2 Patrolman 16in., and one A-3 HBAR 16in.. NOT ONE jam in either rifle from years of shooting. I always use standard GI magazines. No plastic. Bushmasters from Windham, Maine are great AR's!!
Do anyone know how reliable the CM15 Series is? I live in Ukraine and i might use this weapon for real application. I want to order one but there's so many people that say it jams or loses it accuracy after 10 rounds because of the barrel that heats up. I need something reliable and would not fail me in a bad situation. Because i import this weapon it will cost me a pretty penny
I own a Pair of Target Bushmasters and just ordered a 90289 Patromans carbine. I keep Bushmasters for fun guns, I WOULD NEVER USE ONE FOR A COMBAT SENERIO. As US MARINE, I carried a Colt Sporter ( I own 2 Colt AR 15s 6720 and 21). I like Bushmaster Rifles POST 2007 and PRE 2002 in Between, I wouldn't buy one for any reason, the QC failed miserably. AS fro Bushmasters Carbon Models, They are JUNK. If you are in the market for a great AR 15, Buy a NEW ILION Bushmaster and enjoy, the author of this video is very thorough and complete and knowlegable, However a proper review includes the GOOD AND BAD, of which Bushmaster has a lot of both. If you life is dependent upon the AR 15 you purchase, Make sure its a Mil_Spec Colt, LMT, DD or Other. Bushmaster is a great sporter, but NOT MIL-SPEC in about any capacity. Thanks for the video, I enjoy my Bushmaster Rifles, Just suggest Mil Spec when I offer an opinion… regards, Jeff