This is just a cheap easy shooting rest you can keep in the blind or in your pocket, nothing major just something simple to give you that extra little bit of control to steady your shot is all. Something you don’t have to worry about if it gets messed up or left behind. Thanks for watching! Please like, comment, share and subscribe!
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Good idea and they dropped nice and clean.
They went down. No questions asked. I got a bag of grilled deer meat from my buddy today. Yummy.
Oh wow, what great shooting! I've got the socks, James! Now all I need is some sort of firearm! Good show!
great tip leave it at the stand and it also serves as a spare pair of socks in case needed thumbs up and shared my friend great idea
Cool, keep them in your pack and always have a clean pair of socks if your faat get wet.
Good stuff!
Heck ya!
works great it looks like thanks..
I have always got a few pairs of socks on me, I keep them in the front of my shorts.
Who'd a thunk…
Nice one James ,we filled ours with rice
Thanks for the tip James ;-)) A good multi-use item that's lite to carry and doesn't break the bank ;-))
Nice tip and nice footage
If it works, thats all that matters.
Great vid bud
Seeing a trend here every last one of em has the shaky leg syndrome of " I just got hit with big bore" nice buddy!
James that is a great idea my friend. Thumbs up .
Great idea.
We used to hunt varmints at great distances an we made your own shooting sticks. This small tool made a great difference. Try sticks.
In a pinch it can make a little pillow for a nap in the stand…
Good tip.
And if your hands get cold you can use your rest for mittens