For years, AR-15-style semi-automatic rifles have been one of the biggest drivers of growth for the gun industry. But the election of President Donald Trump has triggered an unexpected response: A slump in demand. Photo credit: Patrick T. Fallon for The Wall Street Journal
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Them rednecks are so disappointed that obama did not declare martial law.
There is no Video or Picture of TRUMP HOLDING A RIFLE anywhere on the internet. NRA should demand Trump prove his support for the NRA by having him shoot an AR-15 like Senator Cruz did in 2016 to get NRA support.
the gun industry helps kill your children for cash
Well I learned a thing or two. Interesting stuff.
Obama knew how to sale guns oh we need to ban them and gun stores sale out in 30min 😂 did anyone ever wonder why Obama had stock in guns🤔😂
STFU or repeal the second amendment.