Home CMMG AR10 – upgrading from 308 to 6.5 Creedmoor: Winter

AR10 – upgrading from 308 to 6.5 Creedmoor: Winter


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List of parts:
Receiver (upper and lower): Mega Arms
Barrel: Faxon Firearms, 20″, 5R 1:8″ twist
Bolt carrier: DPMS
Bolt: JP Enterprises
Handguard: JP Enterprises
Stock: Magpul PRS Gen 3
Bipod: Harris, 6-9″ notched legs, swivel
Scope: Primary Arms Platinum, 6-30, Athena BPR – MIL
Scope rings, 34mm Seekins Precision, AR height
Muzzle Brake: Lantac Dracon 308

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  1. As always nice vid bud,I've searched for an update vid on this ,I see you haven't had the chance to do so,it'll be great to see vids on this particular rifle as you do with your ak vids….its full potential.

  2. Looks awesome rob. I’m surprised at how little difference their is in muzzle velocity between the 20” and 24”. I run an LMT MWS slick slide receiver and run a rugged surge on my 308 and it runs like a sewing machine. I’m going to put either the 20” or the 24” 6.5 Creedmoor LMT Stainless 5R cut. What do you think about the difference in the 20” versus 24” 6.5?
    Awesome channel ROB!!!
    Cheers doc david

  3. Rob thanks for this channel I love long rage precision type shooting especially with semi-autos I wanted to ask you a question pertaining to the AR-10 there is a lot of groupthink lately in our community that basically all AR10's ate complete shit no mater what even if one is working everyone still says it's unreliable and AR10's are not fit for military duty and that all other 308 platforms are far superior to it I just wanted your take on it your experiences with your M110 and your personal AR10's because I value your opinion above all others

  4. Where oh where was this hybrid bastard of a channel when the M&P 15 Sport II was released. Especially being a popular but cheat AR, I would have loved seeing that ; )

  5. Those Faxon barrels are really developing quite the reputation. Good for them. I spoke with a rep at a gun show and he really blew me away with just how well informed he was. I'm so used to lackeys trying to sell their product without any knowledge beyond the brochure. It's rare to see insight beyond a used car salesman.

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