Home AR-15 How to use an AR-15 rifle for Beginners (Colt, Stag Arms, Bushmaster,...

How to use an AR-15 rifle for Beginners (Colt, Stag Arms, Bushmaster, DPMS, Mossberg,etc)


Video for beginners on How to use an AR-15 rifle, its features, and operation. This is applicable to any AR-15 semi-automatic rifle.

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  1. I liked the video very informative how ever if you could of used a lamp or spotlight to make it a bit brighter that would help us see the individual buttons. thanks

  2. Good job, you did an excellent job! Took your time yet video was brief but thorough. You did not assume prior information, and you defined terms you used. You did a great job bringing your beginner viewers along. I look forward to more videos from you. I'm a handgun man wanting to become AR informed just to know. Thanks for a great introduction.

    Q: do you think AR pistols are worth owning for HD? Or fun or competitive shooting only? I like the Dimondback DB15, 9MM. I'm in NY 10 round limit, same as handguns so Im not sure there's much additional benefit over the maneuverability of a handgun with the same capacity. Your thoughts?

  3. You seem well informed and I have to assume fairly bright as well.  Why is it that you do not know how to pronounce the word BUTTON?  You are saying  "bu-un".  There are two Ts in that word.  Use them and you will enhance your delivery immeasurably.

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