Home CMMG AR 15 22 Conversion Kit Slide Fire Stock...

AR 15 22 Conversion Kit Slide Fire Stock part 1


Been wanting to shoot some video of some of my rifles. Had to prove a point that the slidefire will work on a standard AR15 with a CMMG 22 conversion kit and Timney Competition trigger. I couldn’t find much on youtube of this so I figured if I was interested maybe someone else would be too. I know I say “uhhh” a lot but I’m not used to being on camera and I wasn’t sure what I was going to say. Trigger from CTD

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  1. I know this is a pretty old video now, 2017, but besides the "Aguilera" ammo comment the best part is that he doesn't even use the sights 🙂 just spray and pray. Need to lay down some cover fire? 22lr conversion with a bump stock (just don't stand up when you do it).

  2. I think it's a conspiracy to sale s&w mp15 22s you are the first to debunk the myth my friend now I have stock trigger polymer lower dedicated 22lr upper polymer as well and I have yet to try it out with my 100$ bumpfire stock

  3. I've had the CMMG conversion for a couple of years now and man do I love it. I am dying to try it with a bumpfire stock.

    Is your bushmaster the carbon 15 or aluminum? looks like AL, but I might not be able to tell. Are you pulling out the buffer and spring to reduce weight?

  4. Great video, thank you for posting. I'm glad I found it because I've been considering this very setup. I already have an AR and a CMMG kit just like yours, and wondered if switching triggers would do the same thing as the 15-22. A bit of info for you tho, Chiappa (company that makes the Rhino) makes their own 22 conversion uppers, as well as their own magazines. They are usually cheaper than other companies, and just as reliable. Again Awesome vid!

  5. I am looking at a Geissele "match trigger" it has an adjustable 1.5-3.5lbs trigger. I need my gun to work with my slide fire.I bought it because hey I do not want to dump 30 rounds of 5.56 every time I want to use it. What did reset have effect on the guns performance with the slide fire? Do I need less pounds and reset for it to work. I really need my gun to work with this slide fire for .22lr otherwise i'll be selling it I am afraid. Also just bout 3k rds of cci-mini mag 1235fps. CMMG is used

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