Home EOTech Red Dot Sight Fuzzy? Here’s What to Do

Red Dot Sight Fuzzy? Here’s What to Do


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  1. Yes, you can take a picture with your phone, but that adds variables that can complicate things. It's best to simply look through the optic conventionally and rotate it.

  2. This video helped me a lot. Thank you for the insight. I watched this video about a year ago and it explained why i was having trouble with my vortex.
    Btw, i have since moved to a holosun with a circle dot reticle (like the eotech hws) and it fixed my problem.

  3. Another test is to take a picture of the red dot with your phone, and the photo will show the image the way it is actually projecting. I had an EOTech and the circle was all blurry and grainy… I took a photo with my phone and the circle and dot were crystal clear in the photo, so I knew it was me 🙁

  4. Thanks to this video I saved myself the embarrassment of sending my RD sight back for no reason at all.
    I do have Astigmatism and wear glasses, but I guess new ones are due.
    Thank you.

  5. Wow who knew Ihad an astigmatism. Not me. But I do. I was ready to send back my new red dot. But the small hole buis showed me the nice sharp round dot in stead of the buck shot i see without buis. Thanks!!

  6. OMG… I was diagnosed with astigmatism 20 years ago. When I bought my first red dot sight, I returned it 2 weeks later because I thought it was defective. Bushnell promptly sent out a new unit. Same problem. I learned to deal with it. After watching your video, I had my wife, and son look through the sight. They both saw a perfect dot. I can't thank you enough for the explanation .

  7. I have always seen red dots as fuzzy and just assumed everyone else did as well. I guess I was wrong. Thank you for explaining this so well! Would this issue continue if I were to add a magnifier onto my red dot? Also does it happen with acog sights?

  8. I just bought a Vortex UH-1 for $250 from a Cabela's Bargain Cave because someone returned it saying the reticle was blurry. I bet they had an astigmatism, because this thing is in fresh minted condition to my eye. Score one for the home team.

  9. Excellent. My Primary Arms Micro Dot is very distorted on high settings. I can hit target at 100 yds but is guesswork. Highest setting may not be needed at this range. Good info.

  10. Both red dots l own are pretty much perfect dots with a slight ray down thats only visible if i go really close. Always though: meh thats just red dots. Just rotated them and yup it stays the same. Also you can try the other eye. The red dot slightly changes . My shooting eye is definatly more of a dot though. Great info.

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