Home StreamLight Streamlight TLR-1 HL Night Test & Review

Streamlight TLR-1 HL Night Test & Review


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Music by Teknoaxe Royalty Free.

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  1. Great video thanks. I ha e one and the tail cap broke. Weird since I never really shot with it on a pistol. So I am planning on getting a pressure switch tail cap and put on my 14.5.

  2. Strobe is horrible to use in an actual tactical application especially inside. You will disorient yourself/team as much as the bad guy. Also you never you your trigger finger to activate the light. You use your support hand thumb. Your trigger finger is for just that your trigger only.

  3. Great video. Thank you for posting.  But I absolutely abhor strobe mode.  In my opinion it does nothing, it buys you nothing, all it really does is create chaos for you and and your teammates.  I also deem it dangerous to appropriate operational procedures.

  4. Nice demonstration outside in the dark. I hope you did not have it attached to you pistol when pointing at your neighbor's home even if it was unloaded! Great light!

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