As America searches for answers following another mass shooting, one thing is clear: the gun business appears stronger than ever. Nearly 4 million rifles were produced in the U.S. in 2015, up more than 150 percent from a decade earlier. Mark Strassmann has more.
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These three women have bigger balls than the fake cuckolding mainstream media
It's called the Bill of RIGHTS………NOT the Bill of needs.
CBS news just doesn't get it.
No wonder their ratings are in the toilet.
There was no keeping the LV shooter from getting guns someone with the kind of money he had could easily get guns in any country.
They really believe they can change facts, by continuing to push a false narrative with patent lies.
CBS of course not balanced. never is
turns out Vegas is suspect
I love how hard they try to demonize the ar-15
I don’t know if it makes me mad or makes me wanna laugh
These people are so normal it's refreshing. The anti-gun crowd is seriously mentally ill, and un-American. The AR-15 is not a descendant of the M-16. Nor is it some "special" rifle. AR has always stood for the name of the original manufacturer and patent holder, Armalite (and not Assault Rifle as the media has claimed). Nor was the M-16 designed for soldiers in Vietnam. It and it's predecessors (like the Armalite -10 were designed long before the Vietnam War (during the Korean War actually). It is simple a customizable semi-automatic rifle that can accept high capacity magazines. If you don't like guns or are afraid of them then fine. But for most gun owners and gun enthusiasts guns are simple a sport (like in the Olympics). It is all about target shooting and marksmanship (and for people more serious about the sport, practical/tactical shooting). So like skydiving, scuba diving, downhill skiing, luge, or any other sport, once you conquer your fear or apprehension about it, you can then embrace it and become good at it. In reality, all those other sports are more dangerous than sport shooting.
We have a gun violence problem for only one reason, -Gun Control laws, and a totalitarian mindset which has destroyed the 2nd Amendment, and turned people into innocent victims, rather than well armed citizens who can defend themselves wherever they go. The police cannot and will not save you, and the courts have ruled that they are not obligated to. The police are un-American, anti-American, and, anti-Constitution, because they fear for their own safety, and value it more than they value the safety and human/Constitutional Rights of the citizens they swore an oath to protect. They are criminals, and this is why there is a legitimate anti-police sentiment in this country. Because they are not only removing our rights, but they are unjustly assaulting us, murdering us, violating our rights, falsifying police reports (committing perjury), detaining us without "reasonable articulable suspicion" (which means they have to articulate to the person being detained, why they are being detained, so that person can determine if it is a legitimate lawful reason or not, and if they should argue the point), arresting us without probable cause, etc.
The litany of crimes and violations they commit against the citizens every day goes into the tens of thousands. What we need is far less police and smaller limited government, and far more trained armed citizens. Then mass shootings would be almost non-existent and overall gun crime would drop by 80% in a decade. An armed society is a polite society: Fact.
it is not a descendant it’s a more civilized version of a m16 that was used in the Vietnam war. law enforcement and civilians use them and home defense. m16 were full auto and semi auto and burst which shot 3 bullets in one trigger pull.
Not so good
I am amazed sometimes
The ping ping ping of the steel
Oy vey! Let's go examine why the goyim are so gun crazy before we abolish 2A!
Can any one give me the contact number of sharp shooter…
How about: to buy an AR15 you must prove the the gun retailer your skills in disassembling, cleaning, repairing, and reassembling the rifle.
Once again the left is trying to demonize a tool And not blame the person. They don't tell you that all of these School shooters have been on mood altering medications. They want to make you think that there's no way to protect yourself from these people when the solution is the weapon itself. No mass shootings have ever happened where civilians are allowed to protect themselves. It's always a gun-free zone
So this is why I can't get any hand-knit sweaters anymore. All the grannies are out shooting guns instead of knitting. Dammit. Ban all guns!!!!! lol.
AR-15 IMO are used for sport, hunting, and training rifle. You go into 'Combat"with a AR-15.. good luck bringing your head back..
I didn’t realize how competitive I was
Comparing an AR 15 to an M16 is like comparing a sports car to a circuit racer.
Yes, the AR-15 is AN ORDINARY GUN!
The AR-15 is just one of hundreds of readily available semi-auto weapons.. it just happens to be the most popular one. Look up the Ruger Mini-14. It takes the same magazine and fires the same rounds as the AR, but it has a wooden stock and looks like a hunting or ranch rifle, not a "scary Army gun" so nobody calls for the Ruger to be banned. But it's every bit as deadly in the wrong hands. Banning the AR will solve nothing.
CBS is run by MORONS !! the AR has nothing to do with the M-16 other than looking like one