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Tag: XM15

BUSHMASTER XM-15 – My First AR | Saturday Spotlight

Welcome back to another Saturday Spotlight! 🎯 Today, we're diving into the story of my very first AR-15, a Bushmaster AR-15 I purchased back...

AR-15 Bushmaster xm-15

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Bushmaster XM15 Build From Day One

I purchased the weapon about a year ago and just kept gradually adding parts and accessories, i wish i had more photos from...

Bushmaster XM15 E2S 223 caliber

This is a video of the classic Bushmaster XM15-E2S in 5.56 / .223, this was made during the assault weapons ban of 1994-2004.

Bushmaster XM-15

The Bushmaster XM-15 is a line of AR-15 style semi-automatic rifles, and carbines, manufactured by Bushmaster Firearms International. Variants include the Bushmaster...