Tag: Wrong
What Are You Getting WRONG About Rifles #shots
What Are You Getting WRONG About Rifles #shots
Are you making critical mistakes with your rifle? From incorrect shooting stances to misaligned scopes, there are...
Dead Air Nomad LTi XC First Shots Gone Wrong With Slam...
Dead Air Nomad LTi XC on a 9-inch, 300 blackout.
Remington 700 action. X-cal barrel. Pork Sword Chassis. Trigger Tech R700 Special (set way too...
NRA-ILA | Wrong Prescription: The Surgeon General’s Lame Old Propaganda and...
Wrong Prescription: The Surgeon General’s Lame Old Propaganda and Policies
On June 25, U.S. Surgeon General...
NRA-ILA | Biden Was Right on Veterans Before He was Wrong;...
In March, we reported on an appropriations rider that corrected a longstanding and shameful practice...
A Weapon Light Might Be Wrong for a Defensive Firearm
In the self-defense gun world, there are a whole lot of people who say that if a self-defense handgun or home defense rifle or...
Embark on scientific expeditions with this new off-road adventure from the creators of MudRunner and SnowRunner. Lead research missions as you drive a variety...
Would-be burglars armed with ‘billy club’ pick the wrong farmer to...
Washington state farmer Sam Krautscheid had just baled hay with one of his sons and was heading to an Eric Church concert when...
NRA-ILA | National Review Wrong on ATF Frame or Receiver Rule
Political observers expect the Washington Post and the New York Times to carry water for...
Springfield Victor 7.5” Pistol: Best AR pistol under $1200? Prove me...
Whats better than a rifle? A rifle that is also a pistol! Taking this Saint Victor from Springfield off the gun shelf was quite...
Everyone is Wrong! Level Your Scope with One Simple Trick Cost...
Everyone is Wrong! Level Your Scope with One Simple Trick Cost Free shows you how to level your optic with things you already have...