Tag: target shooting
Eotech Holo Sight – Quickfire Review
Eotech Holo Sight
Optics Warehouse Director, Shaun Ellis takes a look at the Eotech Holo Sight Holographic Sight..
You can find the entire Eotech Range...
Tikka T3 – Nikon Buckmasters 3-9×40 Scope with BDC reticle Third...
Here's the third shot with my Tikka T3 - Nikon Buckmasters 3-9x40 Scope with BDC reticle on a make-shift shakey rest. Go to ...
The Weapon of Choice – Bushmaster AR-15 Assault Rifle
Bustin' a few caps 4 ya - shooting semi-auto style. There's a reason that the AR-15 assault rifle is the weapon of choice for...
NRA-ILA | North Carolina: Wake County Considering Restricting Target Shooting
Today, at 5:00PM, the Wake County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing to...
Quick Tip: How To Choose the Right Scope
Brownells Gun Techs Steve Ostrem and Caleb Savant peel up the corner of a big can o' worms and talk about choosing the right...
1,000 Yards Ruger American Predator 6.5 Creedmoor / Dialing a 3-9×40...
1st time dialing this $100 3-9x40 Nikon Buckmasters II with BDC hunting scope for a "DEAD ON" hold at 1,004 yards. I previously...
Full-Auto Polymer 80 Ghost Gun M-16!
MAC is viewer supported via Patreon! We don't accept money from firearms companies so we can be objective and honest about our opinions on...
The Ultimate Rifle Tip: Real Time Zeroing with Ryan Cleckner |...
Former Army Ranger sniper team leader Ryan Cleckner walks us through his process for sighting in a new rifle in real-time and delivers several...
GSG Rotary Mag for Ruger 1022
For what it does this drum is cheap, reliable and very well made. It does the job of four Ruger BX25 round mags plus...