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How to Shoot More Accurate | Proper Sight Alignment |...

Here at Tactical Rifleman we focus more on “Combat” shooting than “Competition” shooting. While the laws of physics are the same, there are obvious...

NAVY SEAL Top 3 Shooting Drills | Tactical Rifleman

Ok Tactical Rifleman Nation, this week I am giving my loyal viewers my Top 3 shooting drills. As we all know, shooting drills...

Subgun for home defense | Tactical Rifleman

There's lot of talk about how popular Pistol Caliber Carbines have become. Some complain that it doesn't have enough knock-down power. However, if size...

Top 5 Best Optics For ar-15 You Can Buy In 2020

Thinking to buy a optics for ar 15? This video will inform exactly which are the best optics for ar 15 on the market...

EPIC! Lindsey Graham Shows Off His AR-15 Skills As He Takes...

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Most Reliable 9mm AR EVER | Tactical Rifleman

Reliability is everything in a gunfight. We need to trust the guys to our left and right to do the right thing. We need...

5 Must Have Skills for Concealed Carry

A few cool Items for Concealed/ Everyday Carry (Affiliated Links) BC Torsion: BC OWB with TLR-1: Streamlight TLR-7: Streamlight TLR-8: Streamlight TLR-1 HL: Kershaw OSO...

How a Navy SEAL Sets up his AR | Tactical Rifleman

Hey Tactical Rifleman nation! This week on TR, I give you guys a quick tour around one of my AR setups. Save...

Best Low Price Sniper Scope | High Quality Budget Option |...

Use Promo code tacr5 for a 5% discount! Check them out at: Most of my military career was around sniper rifles. I have a...

Shooting the DPMS Panther Arms "Oracle" AR-15

Me & Sparky Snap-Link took the DPMS Panther Arms "Oracle" AR-15 to the Lampasas River to shoot. My rifle has been upgraded with Magpul...