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ILA | North Dakota: Firearm-Related Reform Heads to the Governor’s Desk

This week, the North Dakota Legislature passed pro-gun Senate Bill 2140 by a 42 to...

10 Steps for Hitting at Long Range

Follow these tips to eventually ring steel at distance every time you pull the trigger.

ILA | Heeee’s Baaack: Bill Clinton Peddles Gun Control on a...

Proving there is no statute of limitations on political opportunism, this week former President Bill...

ILA | New York Times Admits Privately-Funded “Gun Violence” Research is...

The New York Times – the “paper of record” – reports that “Gun Research is...

ILA | Media Continues to Cause Distorted Fear of School Violence

When it comes to the wellbeing of today’s youth, one would think that all could...

LWRC IC-A5 Unboxing

Piston AR-15 unboxing M6

ILA | Another Day, Another Hearing with Anti-Gun Democrats Grandstanding on...

On Wednesday, the House Financial Services Committee held a hearing it called, “Holding Megabanks Accountable:...

ILA | Canadian Senate Committee Rejects Handgun Ban Amendment; Issues Bill...

Early this week, Canada’s Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence (SECD) met to...

ILA | Swiss to Vote on Implementation of EU Gun Controls

On May 19, Swiss citizens will go to the polls to vote in a referendum...