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Tag: rear sight

Why Only 6/3 on AR-15 Detachable Carry Handles?

Why are all the detachable carry handles marked for 6/3? Find out at the linked video! #ironsights #sight #shootingrange #AR15 #M16A4 #m16a4_upgrade #m16a2 #M16A2 Viewers use...

Bushmaster XM15-E2S HBAR – A2 Fixed Carry Handle Love!

My old uniform's a bit tight. Anyways, I've always loved a good carry handle AR. The classic looks and feel of a rifle length AR...

UTG Super Slim AR Fixed Rear Sight

Optics Planet Code 704tactical for 5% Off Any order Leapers UTG AR15 Super Slim Fixed Rear Sight, Picatinny MT-950RS03 Front Sight Code: LP-RS1-UTGR-MT-950RS03 MPN: MT-950RS03...