Tag: palmetto state
Palmetto State Armory: PSA Defender MOE Lower Parts Kit – 7777793
This is just a quick unboxing of the PSA Defender MOE Lower Parts Kit. This kit is a great buy! It comes with a...
$299 Cheap AR-15 PTAC Complete Rifle Kit from PSA
Unboxing and review of the cheap budget AR-15 complete rifle kit, minus the lower, from PSA, Palmetto State Armory. Shooting first 70 rounds. It...
Before You Buy-Build A M4 or AR-15 Know Your Facts PART...
This is PART II of my original video. Found here: I wanted to make an addendum to some of the...
Best INEXPENSIVE AR-15s with IV8888
Top inexpensive AR-15s to get with IV8888 and John Lovell of the Warrior Poet Society. Chad and Eric of the Iraqveteran8888 channel have a...