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OTW S2E3: Leadstar Grunt AR15 Unboxing and First Shots

On this week's One Take Wednesday I broke out the Leadstar Arms Grunt rifle that I won at the USPSA Area 6 Multigun Championship....

$450 – .300 Blackout AR-15 Build & Pistol Setup – The...

***Support*** - Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp (I need more bullets) - eBay Store: - MERCH: - ...

Best Red Dot Under $25 It wont Die !!!

BUY THIS RED DOT !!! haha but for real its a great red dot for the money best 20 dollars I ever spent ! Link...

Cheap Vs Budget Vs High Value Red Dots

I Get My Gear From Optics Planet Use the Code 704tactical for 5% off any Optics Planet order Fieldsport OTW Red Dot !!!!!!!!!!15% off...

Best AR-15 Optic for Under $50 – OTW Scope 4×32...

Best Combat Optic for Under $50 ??? OTW Scope 4x32 From Amazon.com We recently got the chance to test a 4x32 optic from Amazon.com ....