Tag: night sights
A Weapon Light Might Be Wrong for a Defensive Firearm
In the self-defense gun world, there are a whole lot of people who say that if a self-defense handgun or home defense rifle or...
Glock 45 MOS
Here's a quick rundown of a unmolested Glock 45 MOS. Using the Glock plate #2, I installed an Ameriglo Haven red dot. Also mounted...
Streamlight pro tac hl-x and rail mount 1 review
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Quick video showing these awesome lights that are great for the money. Also the tough tactical tools scout mount. Leave...
Trijicon RX34 Reflex Sight Awesome CQB Optic!
Fun Gun Reviews Presents: The Trijicon RX34 Reflex Sight. Featuring a 42mm lens with Dual Illumination (No batteries required), this is a sight built...
Backup sights for your AR 15 Ozark Armament Unboxing
A good set of backup sights is important to have on an AR15 that is used for home defense.
Pistol Build Video: ...
Best Close Quarter cqb Optic for Your Rifle Ar-15
This is a demo of three of the most popular short range or close quarter battle (cqb) optics on the market today. I highly...