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Haley Strategic Partners 22422 Drill Of The Month

Good practice and training are the keys to improvement. If you want to be a better shooter, you have to put in the work....

Cmmg banshee Mk47 after 10 month wait

My mk47 finally came after 10 months. But before I could even get it , we noticed the barrel was loose and would easily...

NRA-ILA | Kentucky: Senator Westerfield Expected to Introduce Red Flag Legislation...

The Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary is expected to hear legislation on "Red Flag" laws...

Drill of the Month: The Blu Bull by Kyle Morgan

In this drill of the week, we shoot the Blu Bull. A skill assessment that Kyle developed to determine cold start skill level with...

We Test out TREX Arms Carbine Course of Fire Drill |...

Welcome to the Drill Of The Month! In this video, Chase shoots the TRex Arms Carbine Course Of Fire. The goal of this drill...

Streamlight Microstream 3 Month Review Budget Rechargeable Light

Today I review the Streamlight Microstream after about 3 months of usage. The light is very affordable and perfect for everyday carry. I...

3 Month Review Streamlight Protac HL-X

This is my first video upload. A 3 month ownership review of the Streamlight Protac HL-X. It's a great light for long range...