Tag: m4 carbine
AR15 bolt carrier+ejection in super-slow motion 1200fps
The BCG of my DPMS AR15 filmed at 1200 frames per second, with some really nice lighting, which is essential when trying to film...
New Products: Brownells Government-Profile AR-15 Barrels
He's not from the government, but he is here to help! Brownells new product team leader Paul Levy shows us the AR-15 Government Barrel...
Eotech Exps3-4 bdc tested- 11.5” barrel!
The Eotech EXPS3-4 offers shooter a 1x optic with built in bullet drop compensator (BDC) designed to accurately place shots out to 600 yards....
Bushmaster M4/A3 Patrolman (Review + Shoot)
Review and shooting my Bushmaster M4/A3 Patrolman AR15 Carbine
I got it from Cheaper Than Dirt
Eotech exps3-4 bdc tested! 14.5″ barrel to 600yds
The Eotech EXPS 3-4 provides shooters with an extremely versatile optic. You can rapidly engage close range targets using the 1x capabilities of the...
AR-15 VS. M4 [Don't Buy Until You WATCH This!]
AR-15 VS. M4
Are you a firearms aficionado? Then you've undoubtedly come across the iconic AR-15 – a sleek, modular, and highly versatile semi-automatic...
The Cheapest AR-15 vs. The Most Expensive (Daniel Defense vs. PSA)
In this episode of TFBTV, @James Reeves gets his hands on the brand new Daniel Defense M4A1 RIII, which is the famed Daniel Defense...
6 Reasons Why the IWI Tavor is Better than the AR-15
In this episode of TFBTV, confirmed AR-15 bro James Reeves reviews the IWI Tavor X95 and gives you 6 ways the IWI Tavor is...
Vickers Guide: AR-15 Vol. 2 – Second Edition
Click Here To Get Your Copy of Vickers Guide AR-15 Vol 2. Second Edition
Picking up where Volume 1 left off, Vickers Guide: AR-15...