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How to Properly Clean and Lubricate an AR15

This video is not the end all be all, but I personally believe it is a very simple and effective way to clean your...

AR-15 Quick-Cleaning Guide

You're all finished up shooting at the range with your AR-15. Before you leave, though, give your gun a quick cleaning and check for...

AR-15 Bolt Carrier Group BCG Cleaning, No Talking

Cleaning of an AR-15 Bolt Carrier Group after a recent range trip. Hoppe's No 9 Cleaner Wilson Combat Grease CAT M4 Cleaning Tool

Basic Gun Cleaning Tools and Supplies

Overview of the basic tools and supplies needed to take proper care of your firearms.

How To Clean Your AR-15 – OpticsPlanet How To

Find out more information on how to clean your AR-15 at OpticsPlanet.com: In this video tutorial OpticsPlanet's Chase Bending shows you how to field strip,...

AR-15 Disassembly, Cleaning, and Lubrication "How To" Guide

Custom AR-15 parts are listed below the cleaning products. Cleaning products used in this video: Ballistol Brass cleaning rod Cleaning Patches Brass Patch Holder Bore...

Weapon light cleaning – hk vp9 – tlr 1

Experiment on getting the gunshot residue off my weapon light.

CMMG 22lr Conversion Breakdown and Reassembly

CMMG Evolution 22lr conversion, breakdown and reassembly, including the firing pin. "223/5.56 - 22lr" Watch in 1080 HD, Thanks for watching, Thumbs up...