Tag: history
The History Of The AR-15
Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you're looking...
Police Called! AR-15 Rifle Found Magnet Fishing!
We are Jacob & Katie! The Tidewater Magnet Throwers!
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Went magnet fishing in a creek...
The History Of The AR-15 Rifle
Hey there Tundra Nation and welcome back to the channel! Today on Tundra Tactical we give you The History of the AR-15 Rifle....
Planets Jupiter and Saturn Lights Nikon P1000 As Good as it...
UAP is making original compositions. UAP is making good clean fun of silly science. Cracking the code of Mystery History. Busting global mathemagical myths...
Help Stop the Biggest Gun Grab in American History
On June 7th, ATF published a new notice of proposed rulemaking on its website entitled Factoring Criteria for Firearms with Attached “Stabilizing Braces”. The proposed...
Fact Checkers: Biden Shooting his Mouth Off on Cannons, History, Facts...
Professional “fact checkers” at the Washington Post and elsewhere aren’t notable for their pro-gun bias. In the past, for example, these propagandists have condemned...
AR-15 Charging Handles: Old vs. New
In this informative video, Reid Henrichs of Valor Ridge discusses the older and newer type charging handles. There are benefits and drawbacks to...
PCC Showdown: H&K SP-5 vs Kalashnikov USA KP-9 vs CMMG Banshee
Cool Forgotten Weapons merch!
Since SHOT Show this year, I have gotten three different 9mm carbines that are all interesting in their own ways....
AR-15 M4A3 Built For $600
This is my AR-15 M4A3 that I built for around $600 bucks.
M4A3 Upper Receiver $399.99 From Core15
1-7 Twist M4 Profile Chromoly Barrel
Barrel Chambered...
Building vs. Assembling an AR-15: Get Over Yourselves
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