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Tag: Folding

Folding AR15? What voodoo is this?

The FoldAR is a folding AR15 made by FoldAR the company.

Conceal carry an AR-15! Coolest Folding AR-15 Ever!

Tactical Life Firearms booth visit @ West Palm Beach Gun Show @flyingRich

Old Timer 12OT Pal Pocket Knife – New vs Old.

Comparison of the pre-2004 USA made Schrade Old Timer 12OT Pal and the Chinese made Old Timer 12OT Pal by Battenfeld Technologies from September...

STOP BUYING Folding Adapters…Get THIS Instead..

Are Folding Adapters for AR-15 dead, and Are these Alternatives better Parts List Here Order the Online Courses Here (Some Videos are already Live) 1 Million Sub Contest My...

The Ultimate EDC Backpack Gun: Double Folding AR15

In this video, Rocco from Division 3 Weapons, evaluates the Fold AR double folding AR 15 chambered in 556. Rocco is a master gunsmith...

Midwest Industries Side Folding Brace & Stock Adapters

Full review of the new Midwest Industries side folding stock & brace adapters 🇺🇸 This video but with a link to the folders: 1776 United...

Should AR-15s Have Side Folding Stocks? (Pros & Cons)

Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Head over to our website to find what you're looking...

Folding AR-15 Pistol

Girl shoots folding ar15 pistol in 5.55 nato.

Painful Folding Stock Adapters SA Folder Gen 3 vs LAW

We compare the two most popular options for folding stock / brace options. LAW Tactical gen 3 vs the Sylvan Arms gen 3 folding...