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Tag: fail

Aero Precision Pro Series AR-15 Build Fails First Test?! Cycling Issues...

🔧 First range test… and we’ve got issues! My Aero Precision M4E1 Pro Series AR-15 isn’t cycling correctly at the range, and I’m breaking...

My EOTECH FAILURE and Eotech Factory Repair Experience – XPS2-0 Fail

I had my first eotch failure on my eotech xps2 holographic weapon sight. The video shows how the holographic sight eotech xps2-0 failed with...

Streamlight TLR-1 HL-X #streamlight

#unitedguntubernetwork Rumble: _______________________________________________________________________ Join this channel to get access to perks: _______________________________________________________________________ #unitedguntubernetwork THE COLDEST WATER BOTTLE: Affiliate Links Olight Link: Coupon code: BigDre357 Merch Raw&Unkut Podkast Website Utreon FFL...

Firearm Fail – That's not right. #ar15pistol #fail #ar15pistol #firearmeducation...

This expert shooter explains the difference between an AR15 and an M4. He can't even shoot. #ar15pistol #fail #ar15pistol #firearmeducation #firearmstraining

Is SCOTUS OK With AWBs?!? Illinois May Be In Trouble

Franklin Armory: Visit Vortex: arfcom.co/vortex Visit Viktos: Follow Us! www.instagram.com/ar15com ARFCOM Merch: Discord: Google calls NRA human rights group All Glocks are mUsHeEn GoNz now? Pembleton & Sons raided with no charges Federal...

Poopy Pants Wants To Ban Shooting On Public Land

Visit Franklin Armory: Visit TNVC: Visit Hydra Weaponry: Visit Viktos: Follow Us! www.instagram.com/ar15com ARFCOM Merch: Discord: Gun control doesn’t even work in prison How I Learned To Stop Worrying And LOVE The...

Good Shoot? SOCOM Col Smokes Chechen Illegal For Taking Pics Of...

Visit Franklin Armory: Visit TNVC: Visit Hydra Weaponry: Visit Viktos: Follow Us! www.instagram.com/ar15com ARFCOM Merch: Discord: Tom Clancy novel come to life: Special Forces troop smoke Chechen on his own property Cornyn...

Can They Even DO That?!? ATF Bans Muzzle “Breaks”!!!

Visit Viktos: Visit Cigar Page: Visit TNVC: Visit Hydra Weaponry: Support Hold My Guns: Follow Us! www.instagram.com/ar15com ARFCOM Merch: Discord: In this episode: Hold My Guns struggling ATF seizing muzzle brakes now? NRA does something...

CMMG Banshee Epic Fail- Not Worth the Space in Your Safe

CMMG can’t make it through a magazine without multiple failures. Patreon: Instagram: PSA:

Homemade Firearms Ban Passes PA House

Visit TNVC: Visit Viktos: Follow Us! ARFCOM Merch: Discord: MN AG gets dragged for Glock cyclic rate Chicago sues Glock, blaming gun manufacturer for increase of illegal machine guns Control...