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NRA-ILA | House-Passed NDAA includes Anti-Gun Provisions

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act...

NRA-ILA | Washington: Gun Bills to Go Into Effect

On July 28th, the following anti-gun bills will go into effect in Washington: House Bill 1786...

NRA-ILA | Hawaii: Governor Ige Signs Anti-Gun Legislation

On July 9th, Governor David Ige signed the final remaining anti-gun bill awaiting his consideration, Senate...

ILA | Nevada: Gov. Sisolak Signs Anti-Gun Bill

Ignoring the constitutional rights of law-abiding Nevadans, on June 14th, Governor Steve Sisolak signed omnibus...

ILA | Nevada: Deadline Tomorrow For Governor to Act on Anti-Gun...

Tomorrow, June 13th, is the deadline for Governor Steve Sisolak to take action on Assembly...

ILA | Nevada: Legislature Adjourns, Continue to Contact the Governor!

On June 3rd, the Nevada Legislature adjourned its 2019 legislative session.  Assembly Bill 291, which was...

ILA | New Hampshire: House Floor Votes On Anti-Gun Bills Possible...

At any moment, the New Hampshire state House of Representatives may hold floor votes to...

ILA | Nevada: Urge Gov. Sisolak to Veto AB 291

On June 1st, the Nevada Assembly voted to concur with the version of Assembly Bill...

ILA | Nevada: Senate Passes AB 291, On to Assembly for...

On May 31st, the Nevada Senate voted to pass AB 291 with “red flag” language...

ILA | Nevada: AB 291 Passes Committee With Firearm Seizure Amendment,...

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed Assembly Bill 291 with amendments.  As previously reported, a substantial...