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NRA-ILA | Vermont: Gov. Scott Vetoes Anti-Gun Bill

On Tuesday, the Legislature’s signature attack on gun owners met its demise on the Governor’s...

NRA-ILA | Virginia: House Passes “Red Flag” Repeal

Today, the House of Delegates voted 52-47 for House Bill 509, to repeal the “red...

NRA-ILA | Vermont: Please Contact Gov. Phil Scott With Veto Request

After being amended multiple times over the last year-and-a-half, an omnibus anti-gun bill is headed...

NRA-ILA | Michigan: “Red Flag” Gun Seizure Legislation Introduced In Senate

Earlier this week, anti-gun senators introduced a legislative package to institute a “red flag” law,...

NRA-ILA | Virginia: Subcommittee Hearing “Red-Flag” Repeal

Today, at 4PM, the House Public Safety Subcommittee #1 will hear House Bill 509, to...

NRA-ILA | Virginia: Pro-Gun Bills Filed to Erase Anti-Gun Experiment

The bill filing deadline has passed, and lawmakers have filed a strong spread of bills...

NRA-ILA | Illinois: House Committee Hearing Anti-Gun Bills

Tomorrow, the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee will hear a number of anti-gun bills. Please file witness...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Judiciary Committee Rejects Gun Confiscation Measure

Yesterday, the Judiciary Committee held a work session on gun confiscation legislation carried over from...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Judiciary Committee to Consider Carry-Over Gun Confiscation Measure

Thursday, January 13th, the Judiciary Committee will hold a work session, and possibly vote, on...

NRA-ILA | Anti-Gun Provisions Dropped from House-Passed NDAA

Yesterday, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a revised version of the FY22 National Defense...