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Installation | MK III Hand Guards

In this video, we show how to install one of MK III Hand Guards on your rifle. MK III Hand Guards: ________________________________________ Connect with JP Enterprises:...

$130 AR-15 Complete Lower Reciever Build – How to Build A...

***Support*** - Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp (I need more bullets) - eBay Store: - Adjustable Gas Blocks: & ***Contact/Follow*** - ...

DPMS AR-.308 Shot by this "Old Blind Squirrel"

Island Lake Rec center in Michigan! Very cool range! Just plan had a ball today shooting this great rifle from DPMS! Check out www.dpmsinc.com Come...

AR15 Pistol At The Range – Fine Tuning

Shooting my AR15 pistol with a 7inch dpms Kitty Kat barrel at the range.it had some problems,but I will show how I tuned it...

Best AR-15 Pistol Brace Under $40 – Foxtrox Mike VS KAK...

- TIPS: paypal.me/FocusTripp (Anything is appreciated homies!!) - INSTAGRAM: Focustripp ( I post extra Pics/Vids) - Business Inquires: Focustripp@gmail.com - ...

AR-15 – Staking Your Castle Nut Properly

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this quick video, I show...

DPMS Panther Arms With EOTech Clone

Shooting my DPMS Panther Arms With EOTech Clone Patreon: #eotech #magnifier #eotechclone

Ar15 Lower Receiver Reviews (Essential Arms, DPMS, and Bushmaster) M4 M-4...

I review 3 popular Ar15 lower receiver brands and show why the cheapest one, which is half the cost of the others, is the...

.308 AR 10 DPMS Oracle. Nikon M 308 accuracy at 500...

using my DJI mavic air 2 for a spotting scope. long range shooting

What Not to Buy From Cheap Online AR Parts Stores –...

***Support*** - Targets: - Subscribe Star (Pro 2A Patreon): - Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp Custom Upper Painting - Knine Magnet Link -...