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Nikon Monarch Line Review

For exciting updates on what's happening on the field and off, friend us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter @DruryOutdoors Be sure to check out...

(RARE) TC Encore ProHunter 44 Mag Rifle w/ Nikon Buckmaster Sight...

Sighting in my ProHunter 44 mag rifle for the upcoming Indiana Deer Season. Barrel is 22 inches and is stainless and fluted. It seems...

Nikon Monarch Field Scope Review

For exciting updates on what's happening on the field and off, friend us on Facebook: Find us on Twitter @DruryOutdoors Be sure to check out...

iScope Doe Head Shot .308 AR

iScope installed on my .308 AR with a Nikon M-308 4-16x42mm scope. Shot this doe from 80 yards in Irion County, Texas.

Big Doe Taken In Wisconsin With Shotgun

Big doe shot during an antlerless only gun hunt in Shawano County,WI. The shot was roughly 120 yards. Hit was far back and low...

Harvesting a large mature doe at 213 Yards with a 12...

Harvesting a large mature doe at 213 Yards with a 12 Gauge H&R Ultra Slug Hunter with Nikon BDC Scope and Hornady SST Slugs Doe...