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Tag: Cochiolo

How To Cold Bore Sight A Red Dot with Navy SEAL...

Retired Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo demonstrates how to cold bore sight a red dot. Bore sighting is another way to zero your red...

Budget Red Dots with Navy SEAL Mark “Coch” Cochiolo

In today's video, retired Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo discusses selecting budget red dots. Contrary to popular opinion, you probably don't need all of the...

Budget AR Scope Selection with Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo

Retired Navy SEAL continues his talk about high-value products. Here, he discusses various AR scopes and optics. A budget AR scope can work perfectly fine...

5 Common Rifle Shooting Mistakes with Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo

In this video, retired Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo talks about five common rifle shooting mistakes he sees when training others. Also watch: 5 Common...

The Right AR-15 for the Job with Navy SEAL Mark "Coch"...

Retired Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo talks about the versatility of the AR-15 platform highlighting different potential rifle builds depending on its use. Let us...

Set Up Your AR-15 Based on Your Mission with Navy SEAL...

In this video, retired Navy SEAL Mark "Coch" Cochiolo talks a little about setting up your rifle for your 'mission.' #TACTICALHYVE #NAVYSEALS #FIREARMS

AR-15 Rifle Setup for Home Defense with Navy SEAL Mark "Coch"...

In this video, retired Navy SEAL, Mark "Coch" Cochiolo, shares how his primary AR for home defense is set up. #TACTICALHYVE #NAVYSEAL #FIREARMS