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Tag: cmmg dissent 300

CMMG Dissent PDW Review

My review on one of the nicest buffer less AR-15 PDW on the market, the CMMG Dissent. Available in multiple barrel lengths, calibers, colors,...

The CMMG Dissent – An Overview (300 BLK)

A closer look at the PDW by CMMG: The Dissent. Maybe too close. Cameraman: ♦ Music: ♦ Mattie Maguire - Racing Hearts ♦ Lupus Nocte - Backseat...

CMMG Dissent in 300 Blackout! Virtus Competitor?

Check Out Our Specials: Join Patreon and support MAC! Follow and support us on Utreon!: MAC T-Shirt Store: Modern Gun School: Check out...

The new CMMG Dissent in 300 Blackout – Sig Rattler killer?

MAC SALES! The new CMMG Dissent in 300 black out is be called the Sig Virtus competitor. Is it a threat to the MCX?...