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How To Install Nikon Buckmasters II 3 9×40

Quick installation video of my scope rings and Nikon Buckmasters II 3-9x40 scope. I will post a link below to the scope for only...

Range Day: EOTech 516 A65/1 & G23.FTS 3x Magnifier

Available in HD! A fun day at the range with the EOTech 516.A65/1 & G23.FTS 3x Magnifier. Note: I apologize for the re-upload. I had...

Battenfeld Technologies Bog Pod HD 3 Tripod PCA Professional Camera Adaptor

#Hunting #Shooting #Guns Discount Coupon Codes on my Patreon Account! PLEASE SUPPORT AP2020 on Patreon: Follow me on Instagram Copyrighted 2018 by AP2020 Outdoors Adventures, LLC Disclaimer:...

Armslist : Nikon Pro Staff 5 with Custom XR Turret –...

Dallas discusses the Nikon Pro Staff 5 with a customized turret. He will walk you through step by step of the testing of...

Nikon Monarch 3

The VSO Gun Channel is an educational resource of VSO Media LLC, a research and development/ Testing Evaluation firm. VSO is not licensed to...

Bog-Pod Switcheroo System

The Bog-Pod Switcheroo System allows you to switch out your standard shooting rest with a spotting scope, camera, binoculars or even one of our...