Home Nikon Armslist : Nikon Pro Staff 5 with Custom XR Turret – Part...

Armslist : Nikon Pro Staff 5 with Custom XR Turret – Part 1


Dallas discusses the Nikon Pro Staff 5 with a customized turret. He will walk you through step by step of the testing of the rifle on the range as well as the online portion to order your custom XR Turret.

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  1. got a custom turret it don't fit, not the same as advertise, you take the three  screws out and take the top off,  the new turret does not mount, the new turret has a hole in the center for a screw with a spring, I then took the rest of the turret off the inside,  it has a screw with a spring but its to short I have to call Nikon again Monday any body had the same problem

  2. That is the WRONG way to "guesstimate" the scope-center-to-bore distance. The formula for the EXACT measurement is (1/2 diameter of bolt) + (1/2 diameter of scope) + (full distance between scope and bolt)

  3. Overcomplicated foolishness.  We aren't plotting a trip to Mars.  Just stick it on there, give it 2-3 shots of overpriced ammo to sight it in, and go.  The target will never know the difference.

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