Tag: breakdown
The 5.7 Reasons that 5.7x28mm is Better than 9mm
In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves talks about something we've all been wondering ourselves: Is the FN 5.7x28mm round better than 9mm? Maybe...
Guardian Tactical Breakdown AR-15 Pistol
Demonstration of the Guardian Tactical GTS- 556 breakdown, this is a AR pistol that has a law tactical folding stock adapter and a...
Hey everyone! Welcome back/welcome. Today I'm talking through my first rifle build. Parts, prices, general thoughts. Enjoy!
Faxon Firearms...
CMMG Banshee VS Grand Power Stribog | Features & Breakdown
EDIT: ***SP9A3G is Delayed-Roller Blowback and the MSRP of the model in the video is $1,349.99***
Here is a quick look at the features and...
Build Breakdown of 7.5" AR-15 Truck/Bag Gun
This pistol is setup to be carried easily in a standard bag or backpack without having to separate the upper and lower halves. Unfolding...
COMPLETE LOWER WALKTHRU. MADE EASY! AR lower receiver build ...
Are you building or thinking of building an AR lower receiver? I’ll walk you through each and every piece. I’ll show you how...
CMMG Platform Overview – Quick Breakdown
With all the different varieties of ARs that we offer, we can see how sometimes knowing which platform is which can be a bit...
disassemble and reassemble bushmaster AR15. Breakdown
I will show you how to break down the bushmaster AR15
AR-15 Basics: Controls, Function, Disassembly, & Reassembly.
AR15 Basic Introduction & Operation - Beginner 101. Close Up in HD. Just bought your first AR-15? This video is intended for those who...
CMMG 22lr Conversion Breakdown and Reassembly
CMMG Evolution 22lr conversion, breakdown and reassembly, including the firing pin. "223/5.56 - 22lr"
Watch in 1080 HD, Thanks for watching, Thumbs up...