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Tag: Bolt action

New for 2018: The CMMG Banshee

With all the cool ARs that CMMG is releasing this has to be one of my favorites. Personally my CMMG Pistol build is my...

Armslist : Nikon Pro Staff 5 with Custom XR Turret –...

Dallas gives us Part 2 on his review of the Nikon Pro Staff Custom Turrent. Subscribe: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Part...

Is 6.5 Creedmoor Really Better Than .308?

Today Joel shoots two almost identical Seekins SP10's except one is chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor while the other is a .308! Shooting steel...

CMMG Build Part 2 – If You Flip the Brace it...

I was not paid to talk about the Pro For Sho ear muffs. I am just some who loves earpro Parts list: CMMG Upper and Lower...

Eotech Vudu Scopes

Errata: The EOTech VUDU line uses push buttons for illumination, not elevation. 1-6 reticle options: 2.5-10 and 3.5-18 reticle: You can get your EOTech VUDU here: Rainier...

CMMG 9mm Full Review | Gearsofguns

Today we are checking out out the CMMG MK9 9mm AR Rifle. Follow Me Here For all our Updates! Gears of Guns Blog: Gearsofguns YouTube...

CMMG Pistol Build and tour of the new Armory

Today We are taking a looking at the new AR pistol We are building with CMMG. Parts list as of 9/25/2017 CMMG Upper and Lower pistol...

Nikon Range Ready P308 Review

Today we are finishing our review of the Nikon P308 Range Ready scope. You will be seeing this in a review in the near...

Nikon Prostaff 5.. A lot of scope, little money….

Just a quick overview of one of the Nikon Prostaff 5 series scopes. This particular model is a 4.5-18x with side focus and the...