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Tag: blackhawk

Streamlight PolyTac C4 LED Flashlight Review

A review of the Streamlight PolyTac C4 Flashlight model 88850. If you want to see this light mounted to a rifle, please watch...

#002 – Lanterna Streamlight TLR-1 HL e Blackhawk XIPHOS NTX

Instagram: @unboxingpolicial ____________________________________ Streamlight TLR-1 HL Fabricante: Produto: Blackhawk Xiphos NTX Fabricante: Produto:

$550 AR-15 Pistol Build W/ Parts List- Complete AR-15 Pistol...

***Support*** - Donations: paypal.me/FocusTripp (I need more bullets) - eBay Store: - MERCH: ***Contact/Follow*** - ...

Blackhawk Omnivore TLR1 HL & Beretta 92A1

Will it fit? A lot of people don't know if the TLR-1 HL will fit in the Blackhawk Omnivore. This holster is designed for...

How To part 1 – Replacing a flash light lens!

In the first How To video we show you how to replace a broken flash light lens with something a little tougher! You'll need: Strong scissors Marker Old...

Chiappa M4-22 Upper – Maintenance and Disassembly

We go through and do a thorough review of the bolt and the condition in which it was received. We also show some...

Blackhawk Lower Parts Kit Review – LPK PTAC Palmetto State Armory

I take a look at the Ptac Blackhawk LPK, which was recently close-out priced at $29.95 during Palmetto State Armory's Christmas sale. It...

AR15 Pistol Build, step by step

AR-15 pistol build using a Shockwave buffer tube/brace, Seekins lower and PSA 10.5 upper receiver. This is a hour long video covering tools...

Blackhawk Omnivore TLR

Episode 10 In my never ending search for accessories for my wifes M&P, today I was pleasantly surprised by a Blackhawk! product. Not a...

Savage MSR 10 Hunter in 6.5 Creedmoor

I want to thank Savage for sending me this rifle for a review. I can't wait to take it to Wyoming with Mossy Oak. Want...