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NRA-ILA | Michigan: Take Action Against Anti-Gun Legislation TODAY!

With lame duck session in full swing, Michigan Democrats are doing everything they can to...

NRA-ILA | Michigan: Senate Democrats Attempt to Circumvent Committee Hearing, Take...

Michigan Senate Democrats may soon try to circumvent the legislative process by sending a bill...

Caldwell Stinger Shooting Rest

Get it here: We were looking for an affordable and portable shooting rest. The Caldwell Stinger may be the answer Join us on Facebook,...

ATI Omni Maxx Limited AR-15 Initial Shooting Impressions

The ATI Omni Maxx Limited has a polymer upper and lower. This makes for one quick-handling rifle! Join us on Facebook, or check out...

The Worst Thing You Can Do For Your AR

MOBILE USERS: Since the pinned comment doesn't seem to appear for you here it is: Problem solved! A reduced-power buffer spring did the trick...

Wonderfully Different ATI 410 AR Upper

Next in our mini series of guns and designs that are Wonderfully Different: The ATI .410 conversion upper for the AR-15 Follow us on Instagram:...

NRA-ILA | Brady Campaign v. Armslist Redux: Court Again Rejects Liability...

This month, a federal district court in Wisconsin dismissed a lawsuit against Armslist, the operator...

Armslist: CMMG Mk47, Better than a Kalashnikov?

Rob effectively uses the MK47 out to 300 yards. Can you do the same thing with a Kalashnikov? Tax Day Giveaway: Subscribe: Like us...

Adaptive Tactical AR Stock

We tried out the Adaptive Tactical Ex Performance recoil-absorbing stock on the Stag 10S. Join us on Facebook, or check out the blog at www.GBGuns.org....

Armslist : Nikon Pro Staff 5 with Custom XR Turret –...

Dallas gives us Part 2 on his review of the Nikon Pro Staff Custom Turrent. Subscribe: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Part...