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Tag: ar15 build setup

Best Basic Weaponry Set-up for a #shtf Situation | #ar15...

Here are my recommendations for the best basic weaponry set-up for a #shtf emergency situation. An #ar15 rifle and a #glock26 Pistol is your...

World's most popular Ar15 Build setup

Ar15 Build setup-Over the past year, I have asked my subscribers/viewers about their favorite components on their Ar-15 and I have compiled the results...

Shooting AR-15 vs 12 Gauge! (Damage Test)

Unboxing the Daniel Defense DDM4V7 AR-15 rifle. Unboxing my first ar-15 plus the ar-15 build setup on the best ar-15 out. Daniel defense is...

Unboxing BEST AR-15! (DDM4V7)

Unboxing the Daniel Defense DDM4V7 AR-15 rifle. Unboxing my first ar-15 plus the ar-15 build setup on the best ar-15 out. Daniel defense is...

Ultimate Mid-Level AR-15 Pistol Build / 11.3" Barrel

Full breakdown and parts list of my ultimate short barrel 11.3 inch AR-15 Pistol build! This is a quality mid-price range build! #AR-15 #ARPistol Review...

Recce Rifle Build – AR15 Discounts | Part 2

AR15 Discounts - ****Support The Channel**** Website - Subscribe Star - Paypal Donate - Amazon Store - ****Affiliates***** Link - Tactical Sh*t - ****Social Media**** Facebook -...