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Tag: Accurate

Bushnell Scout 1000 ARC Rangefinder – OpticsPlanet.com

Before your next outdoor trip get your Bushnell Scout 1000 Rangefinder from OpticsPlanet.com! Bushnell brought out a rangefinder that can see between 5 and 1000...

How Accurate Is 450 Bushmaster?

We tested our 450 Bushmaster for accuracy at 150 and 100 yards. While we believe the shooter has a ton to do with how...

Best 22LR Rifle Scope in 2023 – Top 10 Most Accurate...

Best 22LR Rifle Scope in 2021 - Top 10 Most Accurate .22 Rifle Scope Reviews Are you looking for the best rifle 22lr scope in...

Caldwell bipod review

This is a review on one of the variations of bipods that Caldwell is putting out, the Accumax. Please feel free to help support...

How Accurate Is A $500 AR15? (Part 2)

Not long ago I uploaded the video “How Accurate Is A $500 AR15” and I had a lot of the same comments/complaints that I...

How accurate is an AR (AR-15) 7.5" Pistol from 2AR Tactical?

Visit us on the web at www.2artactical.com to order!! An AR Pistol that hits inside of a head at 100 yards!

Side Charging 450 Bushmaster Tabletop Showcase – Accuracy Test

Nick was able to grab one of our 450 Bushmaster side-charging upper assemblies and give a tabletop showcase followed by accuracy testing with excellent...

How Accurate Is A $500 AR15 (Shooting 770 Yards)

I was curious, if I took an inexpensive complete lower, and an inexpensive complete upper (with a free float barrel and 1/7 twist) and...

My Favorite AR I Own! (The Do-All Rifle)

In this video I feature what is now my favorite AR-15 I own. This one was setup as a "do-all rifle" with a prioritization...

Dedicated AR-22 1:16 Upper Vs CMMG Conversion Kit-Is It Really That...

00:00 Intro & Test Ammo 01:32 Test Target Setup 02:21 Dedicated Upper-Test Groups 04:55 Switching Over to Conversion Kit & Test Groups 08:08 50 Yard Test Results 15:31 Confirmation...