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Tag: 3d-printed

TLR VIR-2 Active Retention Holster // Free STLs

This 3D-printed holster will carry a variety of pistols by locking onto the Streamlight TLR VIR-2 weapon light instead of the frame of the...


I have created a bolt action ar15 upper called the "GhostBolt" and it is compatible with milspec serialized lowers though it can be printed...

Can A 3D Printed Suppressor Work?

Polymer is useful in firearm manufacturing for all sorts of things. But is it possible to use it to make a suppressor? Sounds whack,...

3D Printed UBAR AR-15 Lower Test Shots! Bringing the Fire!

Love this build! Video would have been longer more thorough but had a drunk guy that caused a little trouble and through me off...

NEW: Turn a Metal Block into an AR-15 Lower at Home...

80% lowers need not apply: In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves speaks with Cody Wilson about the NEW upgrade to the Ghost Gunner...

3D printed AR-15 magazine extension

A 3D printed extension for a 10 round AR-15 magazine, that allows it to hold 40 rounds. All that is needed is basic PLA...

SRU AR15 AEG Kit Installation Guide

Today Hutch & Griff go through how to put on a SRU AR15 kit. Want your own? Find em here: Music is Work it...

[AR15 Muzzle Brake Mag Dump] GoPro looking through EOTech (NERO 556)

Watch in 1st person as we dump a magazine of 5.56x45mm through an AR-15 pistol with our 3d-printed inconel muzzle brake, the NERO 556....