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Tag: 223

Bushmaster CMMG .22 Conversion kit for the .223/556 AR 15 accuracy...

I did this test just on a whim because I was testing a couple project guns and happen to have the IKAM camera glasses...

First Look: Diamondback DB15 AR-15 7.5" Pistol

First Look: Diamondback DB15 AR-15 7.5" Pistol -- This is a first look at my new gun the Diamondback Firearms DB15 AR-15 7.5" Pistol...

Assault Rifle Shooting Bushmaster .223 5.56mm AR15

*** Buy EOTech 552 with night vision: *** Buy EOTech EXPS-2.0: *** Buy EOTech 517: This video has been featured on ABC World News...

AR-15 – BADASS Upgrade – Battle Arms Development Ambi Safety Selector

Everyone asks where I find AR-15 stuff in stock or where I order from, so here you are: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is such a SIMPLE upgrade...

AR 15 Optics, Frank Proctor talks about the right way to...

AR 15 Optics, Frank talks about the right way to do it. www.triggertimetv.com www.wayofthegun.com

Bushmaster xm 15 e2s review

This is my bushmaster. any ?'s just let me know

[NRA 2019] New AR-15 Components from Aero and Ballistic Advantage

In this episode of TFBTV’s #NRAAM2019 coverage, James meets with the reps from Aero and Ballistic Advantage; premium AR-15 parts manufacturers who charge little...

DPMS Oracle Unboxing / Vortex StrikeFire

Unboxing my new DPMS Oracle 5.56 that I got today. I show some of the things that come with the rifle, in addition to...

Shooting a Bushmaster AR-15

This video is a buddy of mine firing off a few rounds from a Bushmaster AR-15.

223 5.56 AR 1.5" Linear Compensator Nano flash can from S&J...

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Get it on Amazon here... Get other linear comps here... Get hunting accessories here... AR15...