NRA-ILA | Missouri: Time Running Out for Self-Defense Bill

The 2023 legislative session will soon draw to a close and the critical self-defense bill,...

NRA-ILA | Maine: Sunday Hunting Bills Work Session Today

Today, May 10th, at 10:00 A.M., the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee will hold work...

NRA-ILA | South Carolina: Constitutional Carry Advances to Floor from Senate Judiciary Committee

The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 12-11 to pass S.109, the NRA-backed Constitutional Carry bill, and it...

NRA-ILA | Colorado General Assembly Adjourned from 2023 Session

The Colorado General Assembly has adjourned sine die from the 2023 session and, unfortunately, Senate...

NRA-ILA | Texas House Committee Advances Gun Control Bill

Call and Email Your State Representatives & Urge Them To OPPOSE HB 2744 Yesterday, the House...

NRA-ILA | Update: Texas House Committee Advances Gun Control Bill

Today, the House Committee on Community Safety reported out House Bill 2744, legislation which restricts the Second Amendment rights...

NRA-ILA | Florida: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die from 2023 Session

On Friday, the Legislature adjourned sine die from its 2023 legislative session. During this eventful...

NRA-ILA | Washington Post: “Democratic AGs are Using the Courts to Win on…Gun Control”

With all due respect to the Washington Post, the headline to the recent article referenced...

NRA-ILA | Canada’s Gun Confiscation Program in “First Phase”

Late last month, federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino announced “the first phase” of the...

NRA-ILA | The Disingenuous “Assault Weapons” Ban

On April 25, 2023, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) signed HB1240 into law. The legislation is a sweeping, and flagrantly unconstitutional ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic...