Gun News & First Ammendment Issues

NRA-ILA | NRA Releases Statement on Rahimi Decision

Today, in United States v. Rahimi, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the federal prohibition on...

NRA-ILA | Delaware: Senate Committee Passes Legislation to Restrict Firearms on College Campuses and...

Last night, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed House Bill 311, restricting firearms on college campuses...

NRA-ILA | Fallout from Trudeau’s Gun Grab: Crime is Up, Number of Gun Ranges...

In Canada, a ban on over 1,500 firearm makes, models and variants, together with a...

NRA-ILA | Still no Trace of the Truth

In our first installment of a critical analysis of an anti-gun propaganda podcast series from...

NRA-ILA | Rhode Island: Mandatory Storage Bill Signed As Legislature Adjourns

Late last week, Rhode Island lawmakers adjourned for the year, but not before anti-gun Gov....

NRA-ILA | NRA Files Amicus Brief with Ninth Circuit in Challenge to California’s Billy...

Today, NRA filed an amicus brief with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in support...

NRA-ILA | U.S. Supreme Court invalidates ATF Rule Classifying Bump Stocks as Machineguns

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives...

NRA-ILA | Delaware: House Passes Legislation to Restrict Firearms on College Campuses and Properties!

Yesterday, the House of Representatives passed House Bill 311, restricting firearms on college campuses and...

NRA-ILA | California: Mandatory Storage Legislation Passed in Committee

Yesterday, Senate Bill 53 passed in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on a 6-2 vote...

NRA-ILA | Michigan: Governor’s New Budget Includes $2.6 Million for Red-Flag Laws

Governor Gretchen Whitmer announced her recommendations for the upcoming budget, which included the use of...