Shooting and discussing my BCM .300 Blackout Pistol, and taking advantage of my Banish 30 Gold Suppressor from Silencer Central.
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Hickok45 videos are filmed on my own private shooting range and property by trained professionals for educational and entertainment purposes only, with emphasis on firearms safety and responsible gun ownership. We are NOT in the business of selling firearms or performing modifications on them. Do not attempt to copy at home anything you see in our videos. Firearms can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.

Wish I i could add another rifle ro my collection
Perdy silver ammo
Shoutout Chattanooga #423
BCM makes the pistol grip, the best!
The timing of this is great
Just ordered my 300BLK upper from BCM today.
Thanks Hickock!
The YN’s have entered the chat
I have a BCM in 556 and it’s fantastic!
That was a great show
Haven't even watched it yet, but BCM is in the title and I bet he puts on a suppresor. Two sure "fire" ways to get me to watch a video.
This is not a pistol I don't care what anyone says its just a short rifle
What happened to the long time sponsor that has seemed to be with you since the beginning?
That is no more a pistol that my butt. It has a shoulder stock and you use it as a shoulder stock.
Bought a 5.56 BCM SBR online it was supposed to come with a mlok handguard,it came with a quad rail.I've actually really come to liking the quad rail,so it will stay on the gun.
it's a carbine rifle
This is a really nice setup. Enjoyed the video, thanks for making it.
It's my bedside gun, same Banish suppressor loaded with Spicy Boi ammo (supers)
You know you've got an Addiction when you Blame it on THE CAR every time you go past a GUN SHOP.
Love mufflers…
The smell of balistol burning in the morning. Funniest quote I've heard in a while.
We do like quiet
That second BCM you got there is pretty quiet
What ear protection do y'all run if you don't want over the head regular ear muffs?
i have been watching this channel, for so long now. And it seems you never age! You always looked the same in my eyes for so long. I love your content, I am glad that we still have you with us
You’re having too much fun
Been wanting to get 1 in 300 to suppress it as a range toy but, i wont because of the tax stamp(extortion).
That's right. It is crazy that is a pistol.. Sure looks like a rifle to us Canadians. Love these videos. Clay
No, it’s not GE Vulcan…Hammer Head…
You have to wonder why the ATF wants to ban these that's because they watch YouTube in the people are shouldering them
This is why I love america, he is going to Chattanooga to get 300 blackout, and I'm traveling all the way from Virginia to Chattanooga just to get moonpies.
RIP John Taffin
DANG! That's A Beautiful Hunk Of Metal!
those evil paint cans
Quad rails are the best
Crazy I’ve been watching this man since I was 10 now I’m about to be 21 in a few months
Hickok is ALWAYS invited to my cookouts 
Too bad thats not a pistol anymore, its a SBR.. stupid unelected ATF arbitrarily making law
Definitely the ammo
I neeeeed one.